Captured and intentions

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sorry it's a bit short been pretty busy lately hope you enjoy and I would love some feedback

Shit this isn't looking good I saw the way he was ready to fight our old teammates and he looks like he could kick all our asses so I have to be careful
He and the fox are growling at me and the fox seems to have gotten bigger I didn't have a plan for how I would get him to come with me but I had the group spread out and corner them if we had to use force

"what do you want Uchiha I'm not in the mood to be bothered," naruto says to me with a scowl on his face "I'm here to take you back with me naruto," I said to the blonde "you and I both know I'm not going anywhere with you not after what you've done," he says with a scoff at the end and I flinch at the thought of my past actions

" naruto I'm...I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I was so stupid I didn't think back then" say to naruto my voice filled with guilt and regret, " you think just because you say sorry it makes it all right cause it's not done you ever think about how it would affect me at all did you even think about the danger you put me in by leaving!!" He yelled at me with rage in his voice I can see his eyes glistening with tears slightly

" I'm sorry ok I thought Kakashi would protect you I thought you were safe in the village if I had known what was going to happen and how heartbroken you would have been I wouldn't have ever left naruto you know that!!" Yelled back with tears welling in my eyes I can't take seeing him hurt and it's all my fault

I don't know why I'm getting so angry I should be over this I should be over him "kit it's ok I know it hurts but you have to face it you still love him even after all these years and I know you don't want to but you do but that doesn't mean you have to go with him and be together it's all up to you" I hear Kurama whisper to me

"First things first I don't love that dumb ass the only reason I'm upset is that I wanted to relax and he's bothering me ok" I whisper yelled back to the fox and in reply I got an eye roll and a mumbled ' keep telling yourself that'

I look back at sasuke to realize that he's staring at me with tears streaming down his face " naruto please I love you so much I can't leave here without you no matter what I always planned to come back to you"

he said to me in a soft voice I hurt so much to hear him say that no matter how much I don't want to admit it I wanna forgive him so bad but I can't get hurt again "sasuke It's over I don't love you anymore"

lies all lies I loved him so much even after all this time I just can't risk another heartbreak it'll kill me I just know it. I see sasuke suddenly grab his chest in pain and he falls to his knees and my instincts kick in I ran up to him as fast as I could "sasuke look at me look at me it's ok tell me what's wrong!!"

He grunts in pain and looks up at me with a pained expression he pulled me closer to him and put his mouth next to my ear and whispered "I'm sorry" he whispered in a sad tone not sounding like he was in pain anymore

"naruto!!" I hear Kurama yell before things start to get blurry I can feel Kurama going back inside me so I know I'm going unconscious I fall to the ground with a thud and see a group of people looking over me and sasuke leaning over me holding  my head softly with an expression of guilt on his face
" you little shit"
I said before I'm engulfed in peaceful darkness

I gently pick up naruto ready to shunshin back to the base with the group since it would have been a long trip back by foot "he's gorgeous your lucky sasuke" jugo says to me and I snarl at him because of what he said about my naru " don't even think about going near him" I growl out to him. "He's all yours man wouldn't dream of it can we go home now I'm tired," jugo said to me "fine you can shunshin us there since I'm carrying naruto," I said to jugo and I get a nod in reply

"Dammit I can't believe I fell for that stupid shit and I let my guard down," I said in the mindscape to Kurama "naruto it's fine we'll just have to be ready to fight for our escape but for now let me sleep," Kurama says back "fine you lazy fox I suppose I could use a nap too," I said to Kurama as I slowly drift off to complete sleep knowing I'd wake up soon

TIME SKIP(5 hours later)
We had been back for five hours now I was sitting on a chair next to my bed near Naruto who had his hands and feet tied together for safety
precautions, of course, he looked so peaceful sleeping his hair was still tied but there were some loose strands here and there and his mouth was open snoring lightly his shirt was raised slightly so you could see his stomach which seemed to be scared

I went to lift the rest of his shirt to see what type of scar it was until Naruto started to stir in his sleep he seemed to be waking up I just hope he's calm when he wakes up I know how he gets when he's angry and it's not pretty

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