Old Narnians

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It was a dark night in the castle. Caspian walked out onto the balcony with the Professor who was telling him the story of the Kings and Queens Old. They had to be careful not to get caught because talking about such things was forbidden.

"And so the Kings and Queens of Narnia were never seen again. They vanished into history."

"But what of Aslan?"

"The Narnians asked the same question... to no avail. They were leaderless until your ancestors invaded and no match for the brutality of the Telmarines."

"We killed them." the young prince stated sadly.

"Some fled to the woods. A few brave souls made the last stand at Cair Paravel. Even then, they held out hope that the four empty thrones might still one day be filled again."

"How could my own people be so cruel? To wipe out an entire race."

"Did I say that?"

"What do you mean?" The prince thought that Narnians were extinct, but if some were still alive it means that there's still hope for Narnia.

"I told you some Narnians fled to the wilderness. Why do you think your uncle and his men fear the woods to this very day? Ghosts?" In all honesty, the prince didn't know why they feared the woods, a simple superstition he supposed.

"They are alive? The Narnians still exist?" Caspian exclaimed loudly with excitement.

"Ssh! you will wake the whole castle." The professor was risking everything by telling the Telmarine prince about the Narnians, but he knew Caspian's heart was true and that he would one day bring about a new era of peace.

"But where are they now? Can we see them?"

"Perhaps this is enough for one night. All will be clear in time. Remember, tomorrow is astronomy. Tarva and Alambil are set to converge in the heavens. It should be quite a night."

I went back to my room after my discussion with the professor. Later that night, I had a strange dream. I was in a field. I could feel the warmth of the sun beating down on me. I heard a laugh. I was running after a girl, she turned around and yelled my name, it felt like music to my ears. She was very beautiful. Her brown hair shone golden in the sun. I caught up to her and We both fell to the ground, laughing. That's when I woke up.


This is a short chapter but I really wanted to include this deleted scene from the movie. it also helps introduce Caspian's dreams, which is really important, not so much in this book, but throughout the series. I also included many other deleted scenes because I thought they were good and this is my story I can do whatever I want.

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