A Walk Through the Woods

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~Caspian's POV~

I was walking in the woods trying to come up with a plan to defeat my uncle. I heard someone yell my name and I sounded like the girl in my dream. I turned around and saw her, the same girl in my dreams. She came closer and I realized that it was the girl from earlier who was living with the dwarf and the badger. But why would I dream about her?


~Sarah's POV~

I jogged through the woods trying to catch up to Caspian. "Caspian!" I shouted. He turned back to look at me. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help." He smiled at me. He turned back and started walking. "So...what exactly is your plan?"

"I don't know. I don't really have one yet."

"Great." I said sarcastically.

"You never told me your name."

"It's Sarah. Sarah Walker." I told him.

"You're not from this world, are you?"

"No. I can't even remember how I got here. Not that I care."

"Don't you want to get back to your family?" he asked.

"No family to get back to." I stated sadly.

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok. I don't mind it, it's easier to be alone sometimes." I stopped walking thinking I heard something in the bushes, but it must've just been my imagination. I was awkwardly trying to start up the conversation again. "So, Cas... What was it like living in a castle?"

"Cas?" he said, asking me about his new nickname.

"It's a nickname. It's ok if you don't like it-"

"No. No... I like it."

"Good. Better get used to it then." We walked in silence for another few minutes. Caspian turned around. "I can hear you."

Trufflehunter and Nikabrik came out from their hiding spots. "I just think we should wait for the kings and queens. Fine! Go then! See if the others will be as understanding!"

"Or maybe I'll come with you. I want to see you explain things to the minotaurs."

"Minotaurs? They're real?"

"And very bad-tempered."

"Yeah, not to mention big."


"What about centaurs? Do they still exist?" Caspian asked.

"Well, the centaurs will probably fight on your side. But there's no telling what the others will do."

"What about Aslan?"

"How do you know so much about us?"


"Wait a minute. Your father told you stories about Narnia?"

"No, my professor, he...listen, I'm sorry. These are not the kind of questions you should be asking." Caspian looked upset at the mention of his father... or was it when he mentioned his professor. Either way it seemed like a touchy subject. My train of thought was interrupted by Trufflehunter sniffing the air.

"What is it?" Nikabrik asked.



"No. Them. Run!"

We were all running when I suddenly heard Trufflehunter yelp in pain. "Oh, no." I wanted to help him but Caspian stopped me. "Wait. I'll go."

"Take it. Go! It's more important than I am." he said, handing Cas the horn. He took it, shoved it into his bag and lifted Trufflehunter over his shoulder.

"Get him out of here." He said as he passed me Trufflehunter. I placed him gently on the ground when I saw Caspian turn around to fight the soldiers. Suddenly, something, or rather someone leapt onto Cas causing fall back. I saw a mouse on his chest holding a sword to his face.

"Choose your last words carefully, Telmarine."

"You are a mouse." Cas replied.

"I was hoping for something a little more original. Pick up your sword."

"No, thanks."

"Pick it up! I will not fight an unarmed man."

"Which is why I might live longer if I choose not to cross blades with you, noble mouse."

"I said I would not fight you. I didn't say I'd let you live!" I tried my hardest to stifle my laughter, but this was just too funny.

"Reepicheep! Stay your blade!" Trufflehunter shouted.

"Trufflehunter? I trust you have a very good reason for this untimely interruption."

"He doesn't. Go ahead." Nikabrik said, jokingly (I hope).

"He's the one who blew the horn."

Reepicheep looked at Cas surprised. "What?"

"Then let him bring it forward. This is the reason we have gathered." A centaur came forward. I had never seen one in real life before. It was so cool! I later found out that the centaur's name was Glenstorm and he said he would take us to the Dancing Lawn where other Narnians have gathered.

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