At the How

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The group of heroes arrived at the entrance of the How. Centaurs were lined up, they pulled out their swords, arching over the entrance. The Kings and Queens of Old stepped forward first, followed by Caspian and Sarah. A young centaur had a hard time lifting his sword high enough so his father helped him lift it. Sarah made her way to the young centaur and placed a kiss on his cheek before continuing into the How. "It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible." Cas said.

"Peter. You may want to see this." Susan called from the back of the room. The rest of the Pevensies and the prince joined her. The walls were covered with carvings telling their story of their first adventure in Narnia. "It's us." Susan said in astonishment.

"What is this place?" Lucy asked Caspian.

"You don't know?" Caspian replied. He took a torch off the wall and led them further into the tunnel. theory entered a large room and as Caspian lit the oil along the walls they saw more carvings, including the one of Aslan watching over them. The stone table stood in the center of the room as a reminder of the past. Lucy walked up to the table, "He must know what he's doing."

"I think it's up to us now."


~Sarah's POV~

We spent the next week gathering supplies and making weapons. I got to spend a lot more time with Caspian and the Pevensies. Edmund and Peter helped me with sword fighting.

We were training so hard this past week, I decided I needed a break. I went over to my cot and fished out my phone and my speaker out of my bag. Luckily I always pack my solar powered charger with me. I went into the more secluded part of the How, which was Aslan's tomb. I put my speaker down and connected it to my phone. I scrolled through my music to find the perfect song. I started moving to the rhythm, dancing my stress away. As I spun around I noticed the Pevensies and a few other Narnians were watching, but I didn't care. They were probably curious about the music. I suppose Narnian music is very different from Earth music. I grabbed Lucy's hand and spun her around. We were dancing and giggling. a few others joined in. Thirty minutes later, we were all exhausted. "We should get back to work." Peter said.

"Buzzkill," I whispered under my breath. We all went back to work.

I wandered around the tunnels looking for Caspian. I found him grooming his horse that one of the scouts found wandering around the forest.

"He's beautiful."

"Thank you."

"What's his name?


"Can you teach me?"


"Can you teach me... how to ride?"

"You've never ridden a horse before?" I shook my head no. He told me how to get on the horse first, but when I tried, let's just say I was less than successful in doing it gracefully. I squealed as I tried to pull myself onto the horse. Caspian laughed as he grabbed my waist and helped me up. "It's not funny!"

"It's actually very funny."

"Ok. Now what?"

"Hold the reins. Gently kick back with your foot." Destrier started moving forward.

"Oh no, I'm going to fall. I'm going to fall. Caspian!"

"You're not going to fall! just hold on with your legs." After a few seconds of not falling off the horse, I finally got the hang of it. Caspian spent the rest of the afternoon teaching me tricks on how to ride.


I was outside practicing archery with Susan and some of the other Narnians. We were all pretty terrible, not that Susan was a bad teacher, we were just bad.

"Nope. Not a scratch." Trufflehunter said after we launched another round of arrows at a dummy.

"It's alright. Rome wasn't built in a day." Susan said, trying to encourage the archers.

"How long did it take?" asked a minotaur.

"What's Rome?" a faun asked.

"It's...It's just a phrase, an expression."

"Rome is a city, it was built in 1,010, 450 days. What Queen Susan was trying to say is that we can't expect to be great overnight." I said.

An arrow flew by and hit the target dead center. "Nice shot." Susan and I said at the time.

"Which one of you..."

"Good afternoon your Majesty. I thought you could use some help." I turned around and saw Cas holding a crossbow.

oh, so he says hi to her but not me too? What am I, chopped liver? "Things are well in hand, thank you."

"I didn't mean to suggest otherwise." he replied, winking at me.

"You suppose you could do better?" I challenged.

"Pick a target."

"Do you see that pinecone?" I said pointing towards the top of the tree.

"No problem." he aimed his crossbow, not where i was pointing to.

"No... that one." I moved closer so I was right in front of him. I could feel my heart beat faster with how close we were. Weird. I lifted his crossbow higher.

He looked back at me confused, "Are you sure that's not an acorn?"

"Too far for you?" I winked at him. He fixed his aim and fired his arrow, missing only by an inch or two.

"Not bad." commented Susan.

"Well I was trained by the finest in the Telmarine army."

"*cough* Cocky *cough*"

"Well...if that's the best they've got we might stand a chance after all." she sassily replied. shooting down the pinecone. I noticed something moving in the trees. I realized it was a Telmarine scout. the three of us hurried to load our bows. We shot our arrows but missed. I guess this means that war is coming.

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