The Battle

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Caspian as helping prepare his horse for Sarah and Lucy to go into the woods and find Aslan.

"Destrier has always served me well. You are in good hands."

"Or hooves." Lucy replied as Caspian fixed the saddle.

"Good luck." Caspian looks up at Sarah.

"Thanks." The prince looks at the girl like he wants to tell her something, but decides against it. 

"Don't get in trouble without me." Caspian smiles back at her.


Lucy and Sarah riding through the woods. The wind was flying through Sarah's hair as she urged the horse to go faster. "They've seen us!"

Sarah stopped at a clearing and dismounted the horse. "Take the reins."

"What are you doing?" Lucy asked worried she might not have the bravery to continue on her own.

"I'm sorry, Lucy. But it looks as if you'll be going alone after all. You're braver than all of us."

Sarah spurs the horse on. She readies herself to fight, taking out her bow and buying Lucy time. She just hoped her aim was true enough. She shot the first soldier and the next few soldiers went down easily. One manages to knock her over before she can take out her sword. Caspian charges in taking down the other soldiers. He rides up to Sarah extending his hand to her.

"What did you say about getting into trouble?"

"Oh shut up" she says, getting onto his horse. Before he can gallop away, she holds on tight to Caspian's waist.

"My prince charming" she says and kisses him on the cheek. The young prince blushes and rides off to the How.


Sarah & Caspian came galloping out of the clearing. Caspian helped Sarah dismount and held onto her waist. He kept his hand placed lightly on her lower back as they walked over to the duel. Peter walks up to them with worry written all over his face. He wondered why Sarah was here and not with Lucy. Has something happened to Lucy?


"She got through... with a little help." Sarah assured him that his little sister was safe from the Telmarine.

He looks to Caspian and thanks him. "Thanks."

"Well, you were busy." The prince replied.

Peter nodded to Susan. "You better get up there. Just in case. I don't expect the Telmarines will keep their word." Susan hugged her brother tightly. She feared for her brother's life. Although she knew her brother was an excellent swordsman, she was still worried. Peter flinched when his sister hugged his sister, realizing exactly how injured he was.


"It's all right."

"Be careful." Susan turned and walked off, joining Trumpkin and the rest of the archers.

"Keep smiling.'' Edmund noticed how worried their troops locked.

Peter turns to his people and puts on the biggest smile, giving them the impression that everything was fine, even though it wasn't. Caspian looked incredibly worried. Sarah grabbed the prince's hand to comfort him. After exchanging looks of admiration, Caspian goes to help remove Peter's shield. The High King winces in pain.

" I think it's dislocated."

"No shit Sherlock." Sarah remarks, trying to lighten the mood.

Caspian lightly touches Sarah's back as he passes behind her. Sarah basks in the light touches between her and the prince since this may be the last few moments they'll have together if this plan fails. Not that she didn't have faith in Peter's capabilities. Sarah comes up to Peter's left to look at his shoulders. Years as a dancer, taught her how to relocate a shoulder. She signals for Edmund to distract Peter because she knows this will be painful, or uncomfortable at the very least. Peter begins to get sappy with his brother, as if he thought he was going to die during the fight. "What do you think happens back home if you die here? You know you've always been there, and I never really..." Sarah Takes that moment to pop his shoulder back into place.

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