The Night of the Raid

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Later that evening, Peter called a meeting. "It's only a matter of time. Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle."

"What do you propose we do, Your Majesty?" Reepicheep asked.

"We need to get ready for-" "We need to start planning for-" Peter and Caspian said at the same time. Cas nodded for Peter to continue.

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us."

"That's crazy. No one has taken that castle." Cas replied.

"There's always a first time." He countered.

"We'll have the element of surprise." Said Trumpkin.

"But we have the advantage here." I said reluctantly.

I was afraid to disappoint him since we had become good friends. But I knew deep down Caspian was right. Susan spoke exactly what I was thinking. "If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely." Peter looked at her, angry that she sided against him.

"I, for one, feel safer underground." Trufflehunter agreed.

"Look. I appreciate what you've done here, but this isn't a fortress. It's a tomb."

Edmund jumped in. "Yes. And if they're smart, the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out."

"We could collect nuts!" A squirrel said.

"Yes! And throw them at the Telmarines." Reep replied sarcastically "Shut up! I think you know where I stand, sire."

"If I get your troops in, can you handle the guards?" Peter asked Glenstorm.

"Or die trying, my liege." He replied.

"That's what I'm worried about." Lucy said in a sad tone.


"You're all acting like there's only two options. Dying here, or dying there."

"I'm not sure you've been listening."

"No, you're not listening. Or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch, Peter?"

"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough."


Everyone was getting ready for the raid. All I could feel was dread. I started doing what I learned to do in tough times like this. Sing.

I may not live to see our glory

But I will gladly join the fight

And when our children tell our story

They'll tell the story of tonight

Let's have another tonight

raise a glass to freedom

Something they can never take away

No matter what they tell you

Raise a glass to the four of us

Tomorrow they'll more of us

Telling the story of tonight


The next day, we prepared for the raid. Cas helped me put on some armor since I've never worn armor before. I waited outside for everyone to finish getting ready and to clear my head. I guess the nerves were finally setting in. Everything was happening so fast now. Like a snowball tumbling down a hill, growing bigger and bigger, until it crashes and someone gets hurt. I could see Glenstorm saying goodbye to his wife, I couldn't even imagine what it must be like in her place. Saying goodbye to the person you love, praying that they'll come back to you. I felt nauseous just thinking about it. Cas came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. warmth spread through my body and calmed my nerves. "Are you ready?" he asked softly. I nodded yes. I felt safe knowing that at least I would have Caspian there in case anything happened. "As ready as I'll ever be, I guess."

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