Sword Practice

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Me, Cas and a few other Narnians were sent to steal weapons for the Telmarines. We came up with a plan and waited till the cover of darkness. We approached the Telmarine camp. Caspian gave strict orders of no casualties. Someone distracted the guards while the rest of us snuck up to the cart holding the weapons and armor. We took as many as we could and passed them down the line. When the cart was empty, we retreated back to the woods. I looked behind me expecting to see Caspian, but he wasn't there. Where did he go? He came into the clearing, putting away his dagger in his belt. "Where did you go?"

"I left Miraz a message." I followed him further into the woods.


"What are we doing?" Sarah asked, waving the sword in her hand.

"You might know how to throw a punch, but if you are going to fight you need to learn how to use a sword. And stop playing with that, it is a weapon not a toy." Caspian complained about her childish behavior. She was playing around with the sword pretending to be a professional swordsman exactly like in the movies. Last time he practiced his swordman skills was with the help of his teacher. Now he was the one teaching. "And you think you are the right person to teach me? You got scared of Reepicheep when he held a needle to your face."

"The size of your enemy matters not, it is the courage of a soldier that counts." Caspian replied, getting out of his thoughts while Sarah rolled her eyes in the sight of desperation at his cockiness.

"You got your ass kicked by a mouse," she added before the young prince held his sword in front of him in challenge to his partner. The two of them then began to spar. As Caspian was blocking the attack of his opponent, the young lady who used to study History in college had little difficulty standing strong in front of the prince who was as agile with a sword then a chef with a knife. While the American had never used violence before , the man who was destined to be king always stayed on his guard, having his uncle always desiring his throne. As the prince managed to disarm Sarah while waltzing her in his arms, Sarah was able to out-think him and pull Caspian toward her and brought him to the ground, nowhere to run.

"I think I might need a new teacher," Sarah laughs, helping the prince get up as he was complaining of a headache.

"You only beat me because I'm a good teacher."

"And there goes the ego, again. You have to get over yourself, your majesty." She argued sarcastically.

"I believe you are the one flattering my ego, bubbles is it?" He jokingly said using the nickname he had heard Trufflhunter use to describe Sarah.

"Don't call me that, it makes me sound like a child," she mumbled, attacking the man.

"Which I believe you are." Caspian teases countering her attack.

"I am 1300 years older than you."

"You should stop talking, you're distracting." Caspian argued while pointing his sword toward Sarah's chest. "You need to focus, concentrate, he continued." Even if he had defeated her, he was impressed. She was getting stronger with every practice.


"This is enough for today, we will continue another time." Affirmed the Telmarine nearly out of breath.

"Cas, what is wrong, you seem distracted?" Asked the American confused over his attitude. The prince wasn't able to concentrate on his fight. His moves were getting slow and weren't precise.

"You trained well and the sun has fallen a few hours ago, we shall continue another day."

"It is the sword. The one with the golden knight? You have been caring it everywhere." Sarah explained getting the sword in question from the horse saddle.

"It was my father's." Caspian said proudly. "The professor handed it over to me with the horn before I left my home or what used to be."

He took a glimpse at Sarah and then the sword she was holding. It seemed to be glowing in her hands. Before leaving the palace, he had everything he wanted and needed. The prince soon came to realize that he only needed to believe and trust the people that were most dearest to him.

"Keep it. I believe you will need it!"

"What?" Sarah called out of surprise, dropping the sword and almost cutting herself. She tried giving it back to Caspian but he stepped away with a smile. "You are sure you want to trust me with the thing that is most valuable to you?" 

"Well, seeing you be this clumsy, I might reconsider it." He laughed, but as he admired Sarah smiling at the weapon, he knew he had made the right decision. The two of them sat down on the ground beside their horses in silence. Sarah was happy for the first time in a long time. Since she met him, he taught her how to fight, how to trust herself and more importantly, believed in her when no one else did. Even if Caspian was a prince, she never felt less than him and was grateful to have made a friend and a confidant in the world that she was just beginning to learn.

"War is coming!" Realize Sarah looking down on the sword Caspian had just given her.

"The kings and Queens of old will soon arrive," simply replied Caspian.

- "You really think they will come?"

- "I do." Affirm Caspian confidently. 

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