The Aftermath

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I was walking next to Caspian back to the How. "How's your arm?"


"Good." I punched his other arm.

"Ow. What was that for?"

"Ditching me for revenge" I teased.


"It's alright. I'm just messing with you. I'm glad you're alright." He seemed really down so we continued to walk in silence. We reached the How. Those who stayed back came out to welcome us back. you could see the sorrow in their eyes when they saw the number of soldiers that came back. Lucy came running out with a worried look on her face. "What happened?"

"Ask him." Peter said, his voice dripping with venom.

Susan scolded him. "Peter."

"Me? You could've called it off. There was still time."

"No, there wasn't, thanks to you. If you kept to the plan, those soldiers might be alive."

"If you'd stayed here like I suggested, they definitely would be!"

"You called us, remember?"

"My first mistake."

"No. Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people."

"I am not the one who abandoned Narnia."

"You invaded Narnia. You have no more right to lead it than Miraz does. You, him, your father...Narnia's better off without the lot of you."

They both took out their swords and pointed them at each other. things were getting out of hand. I had to stop them from doing something they'll regret. "Stop it!" I shouted. I moved closer and placed myself between them. "You're both acting like children. What's done is done. It doesn't matter who's fault it is. Let's just focus on our next move."

Cas shoved past Peter and walked into the How. Glenstorm carried an injured Trumpkin and Edmund helped place him on the ground. Lucy rushed to him and gave him a drop from her healing cordial. In a matter of seconds, he was healed.

"What are you all standing around for? Telmarines will be here soon enough...Thank you, my dear little friend." And with that everyone made their way inside the How.


I was taking off my armor near my cot and wandered off to see if anyone else was injured or needed help. A while later, Susan came up to me looking upset. "Sarah, can I talk to you?

"Of course. Is everything ok?"

"Is there something going on between you and Caspian?" I couldn't tell if she was jealous or just concerned.

"I don't know. We're just friends."

"I see the way he looks at you. He cares about you."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yeah-" We heard a commotion coming from Aslan's tomb. We rushed in to see the White Witch in a wall of ice shattering to the ground and two creatures and Nikabrik dead on the ground. What happened?! I looked to Caspian for an explanation. He looked down, ashamed. I didn't know what to think. Was he trying to bring back the White Witch? Why? I heard the stories of what she did to Narnia all those years ago? Why would he do that? I followed Susan out, not really knowing what to think.


I know that after what happened I had to talk to Cas. What he did was stupid and I'm sure he realized it. I searched all over the How for him, I finally found him outside, sitting on the cliffside, talking to the professor. I had only caught the last bit of their conversation.

"Everything I told you, everything I didn't, it was only because I believe in you. You have a chance to become the most noble contradiction in history. The Telmarine who saved Narnia." The professor told him.

"He's right, you know." I said making my presence known.

Caspian looked at me. His eyes expressed what I thought was maybe...admiration. The professor got up and made his way back to the How. He passed by me and gave me a nod. I sat myself next to Caspian on the right. I couldn't help but notice how close we were.

I took his bandaged hand in mine and traced my finger gently over it. "Does it hurt?"

"Not so much anymore" He moved his hand so that his fingers intertwined with mine. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Maybe Susan was right about Caspian liking me.

"You'll make a great King."

"You really think so?" He asked with what seemed to be sincerity in his voice.

"Of course I do! You have a kind heart, you don't shy away from helping your people no matter where they stand."

"I never knew you thought of me so highly." He giggled, looking away.

"You also have great hair," I laugh. "But don't let it get to your head, your ego is big enough."

"My ego?" he muttered, shoving me lightly with his shoulder. "It seems like you're the one getting ahead of yourself." We laughed.

"What I mean is you need to decide what kind of king you want to be. What you need to do is start using this as well as this," I said, pointing to his head. "As well as this" I said, placing the palm of my hand on his heart. "Don't let your emotions control you." He slowly leaned in closer, connecting our lips together. We pulled away, leaning our foreheads together. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something move in the distance. We both looked to see troops emerge from the forest. Dread filled my body and I held onto Caspian's hand tighter. "We need to warn everyone." I could see the worry in his eyes. We got up and made our way through going our separate ways. I ran into Edmumd and told him about the troops. After he left to find the others, I went back to my cot to put my armor on. I met up with everyone on the overlook. Were we supposed to be heroically posing?

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