Chapter 26:Scan!the spirit of Water and Steel!

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Yumi POV
We are just walking now, so these Takuya are just relaxed while walking and happy ....

"We are finally complete, so we will continue to search for the mysterious digimon" Junpei said calmly

I just smiled looking at them ...

"Never immediately trust the digimon you know, because you do not yet know who they really are and if they can really be trusted"

I was surprised and stopped walking ... so little by little my hand was shaking with fear ...

"Is there a problem?" Tomoki asked and they walked towards me ...

"Yumi?" Koji called to me worriedly

I was brought back to reality so I turned to them and gave them a smile ...

"I'm okay, let's go ..." I replied and walked first ....

"Yumi ..." I heard Koji whisper so I was stunned and turned to them ...

Izumi came up to me and held my hand ...

"Tell us what your problem is, so we can help you" said Izumi ....

I turned to Koichi who was also worried about me ...

"Koichi, you said" I said so he nodded ...

Takuya turned to Koichi ... while I just bowed ...

"Why Koichi?" Takuya asked

"What happened?" Koji asked ...

"Lovemon and Miramon told her not to just trust the digimos we know" Koichi replied

"Huh? Why?" Junpei asked

"We don't know them very well yet, so we also do not know if they are really trustworthy" Koichi replied

"Comrades, do you remember when Yumi told us that we still have strong opposing digimons?" Takuya asked.

"Satanmon is an example," Izumi agreed

"Yes .... and because of their ambitions to get my spirit and use it for evil" I replied and turned to them ...

* bogshh *

We turned around and saw Ranamon and Mercuremon ..

"Hello!" Ranamon said smiling ...

"I admire you, you will be strong ha" Mercuremon replied ...

We took out our digivice and looked at each other, at the same time we nodded ....

"Spirit! ... Evolution!" "Vritramon!"

We turned to the two of them directly, so Ranamon just smiled ...

"In that case, you just want to play huh" said Ranamon and at the same time wrapped her in digicode ..

"Ranamon, Slide evolution! Calmaramon!"

"Shutumon, the two of us fought Calmaramon" I said so Shutumon nodded ...

"We will take care of Mercuremon" said Blizzarmon ..

"Let's go!" Vritramon signaled so we nodded ...


3rd person's POV

Their fight with Ranamon and Mercuremon started again ... so they became even more serious in the fight ....

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