Chapter 32:History of Endoramon

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Koji POV
We are in the forest now, and we are watching over Yumi now .... while Endoramon is treating Koichi ...

"Yumi's condition looks really bad" Izumi said ..

"Yes, you can see in her body the amount of wounds she received" Takuya replied

"Koji-san, are you okay?" Tomoki asked me so I turned to him ...

"Earlier there was no silence there, and it seems like the depth of what you are thinking" Junpei replied ...

"We understand that you are worried about Yumi ... but by the time Endoramon treats her, her condition will be fine" Izumi replied ...

"Yes ... I'm okay ... thank you for your concern" was my simple answer and I looked back at the sky ..

"M-mommy ... d-daddy ..."

I heard Yumi whisper so I turned to her ...


Koichi called to me so I turned around and saw them walking towards us ..

"Are you okay?" I asked so he nodded ...

"Yes, I'm okay" Koichi replied ...

"I will treat Yumi-sama now"

Endoramon said and knelt in front of us and placed his two hands on Yumi's chest ....

At the same time both hands lit up ... and Yumi's face full of pain now calmed down ... so I just took a deep breath ...

"Who are you really? And why do you call Yumi like that?" I asked seriously ...

"I am one of the noble servants of the three arc angels and I am also one of those who help the ancient 10" he replied

"Wait, what do you mean?" Takuya asked ...

"I am a servant of Lovemon-sama" he replied so we were surprised ...

"A-are you serving Lovemon?" Junpei asked incredulously ...

"Yes, that's right" he replied ...

"But why you side with the slave of darkness?" Tomoki asked ...

"I was just forced to serve EvilLiliamon, because she wanted to conquer digiworld ... so she threatened me that she would kill innocent digimon as well as Lovemon-sama, so I just obeyed her wishes even against my will , but my sin has been a big sin for Lovemon-sama, the ancient 10 and the three arc angels ... "Endoramon explained ..

"But why are you here with us ... and what does it mean for you to help us?" Izumi asked ..

"I am here today to help you defeat EvilLiliamon, and for Lovemon-sama to forgive me forever" Endoramon replied so we were even more surprised ...

"Lovemon used Yumi's body when our hands and feet were still tied ... and what Endoramon is saying now is exactly what Lovemon told him" said Koichi

"In that case, do you want to make up for the sins you have comvmitted by helping us like that?" I asked so he nodded ...

"Yumi ..." they called so I turned around ...

She slowly opened her two eyes ... so our faces had fun..especially me ...

"Yumi .." I said smiling ...

"C-comrades" she replied and slowly stood up ...

We immediately added a hug to her... because of the joy we felt ...

"W-wait ... I can't breathe * cough *" she replied so we immediately broke away in a hug ...

"I-I'm sorry ..." Takuya stammered ..

"That's okay" she replied and smiled ..

"Are you all right?" I asked so she turned to me and nodded ...

"Come on, I'm happy and your condition is fine" Endoramon said politely ...

"A-ahh ... can you not be too respectful ... you know ... I am considered ehh" said Yumi ...

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that" Endoramon protested ...

"Geez, why don't you all agree with what I want!" Yumi shouted so we just laughed ...

"Get used to it" Takuya said laughing

"Yes, are you not used to it" Tomoki replied

"You can always be called a master right" Izumi also answered ...

"* sigh * if something .." Yumi said calmly ...

"I told you ehh" I replied ..

"By the way, thank you again treated and helped Koichi and me" Yumi said smiling to Endoramon ...

"It doesn't matter, I have the honor to serve you again" Endoramon replied ...

"By the way ... you said earlier that Karunamon is also one of those who fought before to protect the digiworld ... is that true?" Koichi asked so we turned to him ..

"Did he say it?" Junpei asked

"Yes, I also heard that earlier" Yumi replied ...

"You heard right ... because Karunamon and I both serve the three arc angels ... but he betrayed Ophanimon-sama ... because they did not want him to be one of the leaders of he joined to EvilLiliamon "Endoramon replied ...

"He just really sided with EvilLiliamon to lead the digiworld as well, right?" Takuya asked.

"Yes, you are right" Endoramon replied ...

"Many digimon say that Karunamon has changed the size ... than before" said Bokomon

"It's sad if there is more chaos here in digiworld, desu" Patamon replied

"Takuya, Koji ... can't you digivolbed into the hybrid evolution?" Yumi asked us

"Yes" Takuya replied sparingly ....

"Why did you ask?" I asked

"Lovemon and Miramon told me about double digivolution ... maybe it's good too ... but I hope I have it" Yumi replied

"Hmm ..." Izumi thought

"Why can't we imagine what it will look like when the beast and human spirit are combined" said Junpei

"That's a good idea Junpei-han" Bokomon replied ...

"What? Game?" Junpei asked

"All right!" We shouted ..


"What are you thinking?" Tomoki asked ...

"Mine ... hmmm ... a good warrior, as good as her human and beast spirit" Izumi replied ..

"It's the same with me" Tomoki agreed so he and Izumi apir ...

"Koichi and I is a beautiful young lady, wearing a beautiful dress ..." Koichi and I answered ..

"Junpei and I ... is a princess like, holding a scythe and wearing a kimono" replied Takuya and Junpei ...

We just looked at the sky ... at the same time the smiles on our lips ...

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