Chapter 31:New ally

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3rd person's POV
"Koichi, awake ... awake ..."

Yumi woke up to Koichi, so little by little Koichi opened his two eyes ....

"Yumi ..." Koichi replied

"Are you okay?" Yumi asked

"Yes,and how about you?" Koichi replied

"Yes, I'm okay ..." Yumi replied ..

"* shocked * where are we?" Koichi asked in shock

"That's also what I don't know so I woke you up" Yumi replied

"I remember, Karunamon got us" Koichi said

"Tsk ... annoying" Yumi replied

* clap clap clap *

They both turned to Karunamon, so they were both bored ....

"It's good that you two are awake" Karunamon said teasingly ....

"You ... let us go here!" Koichi shouted angrily ..

"And you, warrior of darkness ... you are too inquisitive ... so there, you are touched ... but don't worry, because I will make you both suffer" Karunamon replied and laughed scary ..

"Koichi ..." Yumi called so Koichi turned to her ....

"Why?" Koichi asked ...

"Sorry .... sorry because of me,you are touched" Yumi replied ...

"No ... don't apologize to me, remember ... we are friends, you are my brother's girlfriend so I will also protect you for your safety and for him" Koichi replied ....

"The chatter is enough, because I will make you suffer!" Karunamon shouted ...

"Nightmare wings!"

A black smoke turned into a blade, so it hit different parts of the body ....

"AHHH !!!" they shouted because of the pain ...


"Yumi! Koichi!"

Koji shouted and woke up ....

"Koji" they called and approached to Koji ...

"Are you okay?" Izumi asked Koji ... so Koji just nodded ...

"Damn it... Karunamon got them" Takuya said annoyed and clenched his fist ...

"We need to save them as soon as possible" said Junpei

"Ahhhh !!!!!!! the warrior of darkness and love!,desu!!"

Patamon shouted so they immediately turned to him ...

"Why Patamon?" Tomoki asked ..

"Patamon feels that they are being tortured, desu !!" Patamon shouted ... so they were even more worried ...

So Takuya stood up and bowed his fist ...

"Are y'all okay?" Takuya asked so they nodded ...

"Come on, we will save them both..we will save our friend!" Takuya shouted so the others stood up and nodded ...

"Let's go!" They shouted


While Koichi and Yumi ...

"Nightmare wings!"


"Yumi!" Koichi shouted ...

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