Chapter 47:The suffering

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3rd person's POV

A loud shout of a woman ....

"AAAAHHH !!!!!!!!!"

She was obviously hurt ....

"AAHHHHHH !!!!!"

She kept shouting the pain caused by torturing her ... and that girl .... was Yumi..her hands and feet were tied to a large rock ....

"What, are you going to give us your spirit?" Asked a female digimon

"T-tsk ... e-even t-thought that y-you w-will k-kill m-me....I-I will never g-give my spirit to you !!" Yumi shouted and spat the digimon ...

"Aahh !! disgustin!!" disgusted cry of the digimon

"T-that's your thing!" Yumi replied

"Ahh, is that so ... accept it !! Nightmare blade !!!"

A black smoke gradually formed ... until it became a blade and hit various parts of Yumi's body ...

"AAAAAHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" Yumi shouted ...

"Is she still not giving her spirit?" Asked a digimon man walking towards her ...

"Tch..not still until now" she replied

"Ha ... her strength" said another digimon

"It's good and you're here too ... Sworamon"

* Sword element digimon *

"And you too ... Timonamon"

*Time element digimon*

"So now ... can we start our plan for this woman?" The female digimon asked and turned to Yumi who was weak ...

"It's up to you... Ninamon" Timonamon replied

* Nightmare element digimon *

"Tch ... even if you torture me over and over won't get anything from me !!" Yumi shouted

"Shut up !!" Ninamon shouted

"Nightmare blade !!"


Timonamon and Sworamon turn to the datamons who are manipulating Yumi's digivice ...

"Isn't that over yet?" Timonamon asked

"Not yet" (Datamon 1)

"It is difficult to open it" (Datamon 2)

"It's really strong" (Datamon 3)

"Ohh all right ... you still have a lot of time to stir that ..." Sworamon replied

"Just make sure you get the spirit of love!" Ninamon shouted so the three Datamons nodded

They turned their attention back to Yumi ... so Sworamon walked over to him and drew his sword ...

"It's easy to talk to us ... when you give us your spirit ... your life will be longer" Sworamon whispered in Yumi's ear ...

"Tch ... how many times have I told you .... I will never give my spirit to you!" Yumi shouted so Sworamon slightly buried his sword on Yumi's shoulder ...

"AHHHH !!!!" Yumi screamed in pain

"You really want to die huh" Timonamon said

"Timonamon, did EvilLiliamon-sama say anything for what we will do next to that woman?" Ninamon asked while crossing her arms

"Not yet, all we can do is wait" Timonamon replied

"Geez, I'm tired of waiting so long ... I want to see how the warrior of love suffers"

While Takuya was sitting and being treated by Endoramon ... while Koji was just leaning against a tree with both hands on the pockets of his pants and staring at the three months

'Tsk..Yumi ... we will save you,hang in there Yumi..we will be there'

That's what Koji had in mind now and at the same time he bent his fist ... while Koichi noticed that so he approached Koji ...

"I understand you are worried about Yumi" Koichi said so Koji turned to him

"Niisan..." Koji whispered so Koichi tapped both of his shoulders

"We will save her ... we will do everything to save the woman you love and our friend" Koichi replied so Koji nodded

"Ahhhh !!!!! it's starting, desu!!!" Patamon shouted so they turned away

"What do you mean?" Tomoki asked

"What is going to start?" Tomoki also asked

"Patamon feels that something bad is going to happen to Yumi, desu !!" Patamon shouted so they clenched their fists ...

"But we do not have enough strength to save Yumi" said Takuya

"Our fight with Armoramon has caused a lot" Izumi replied

"I will do everything to bring back all of your strengths and to save Yumi-sama said Endoramon

"Thank you ... but don't use your power too much in your treatment" Tomoki replied

"Tomoki is right ... you must also have the strength to fight" Junpei agreed

"When I see them ... I will make sure I can take revenge on Yumi ..." Koji said annoyed and clenched his fist hard ..

"Koji, calm down" Koichi calmed down


"AHHHHHH !!!!!!"

"Wings of swords !!"
"Nightmare blade!"
"Time cade!"

The three of them are already torturing Yumi ... so Yumi is almost dying because of the wounds she received .... and she screamed again because of the attacks she received ..

"What ?! Are you going to give it? !!" (Timonamon)

"N-no !!" Yumi shouted

"Nightmare blade !!!"

"AHHHH !!!!"

A black smoke appeared in front of them ... and when it disappeared EvilLiliamon was there ...

"EvilLiliamon-sama" they said politely and they knelt together ...

"I'm glad to see you ..." she replied and turned to Yumi

"You too ... warrior of love ... I have long wanted to capture you..and now it has come to pass !! * evil laugh *"

"Tcch ... your laugh is too ugly.." Yumi teased so EvilLiliamon looked at her badly

"Have you convinced her yet?" EvilLiliamon asked

"Sorry..but not yet" (Sworamon)

"It's hard to convince her" (Ninamon) "Earlier she was stubborn" (Timonamon)

"Hmm ... is that so ..." she replied and smiled at Yumi ...

Gradually EvilLiliamon raised her right hand and pointed it at Yumi ... so Yumi was surprised and started moving ....

"Because I am kind ... I will give you an experience you will never forget" EvilLiliamon said smiling and began to cover his hand with black smoke ...

"Do you want to help me,Ninamon?" EvilLiliamon asked so Ninamon just nodded and approached Yumi ...

"Nightmare memories!"
"Wave of darkness .."

A black energy began to envelop Yumi ... and at the same time the thorns pierced her whole body ...

"AHHHH !!!!!"

"Gradually that will take away your happy memories and replace them with painful memories ... so I can use you against your friends ..." said EvilLiliamon ... so the three smiled

* evil laugh *

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