Chapter 1:Digital world?!

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I'm sincerely apology for all of my readers,and since i've been still managed my time..

So I will arranged all of my grammars in all of the chapters..that's all

Thank you!!


Yumi Heartfillia POV
I was just lying here in my bed, meditating ... but a picture caught my attention ... so I got up and took it ... and the picture was me and Koji, we were just kids here. My childhood friend, Koji,

I met him in an unexpected event, but now, I can no longer find him where he is, I was surprised when my cellphone rang so I took it, and I heard a mysterious voice

'This the decision for your future'

"Decision? For my future?" I whispered ....

*Do you want to start? *

I was very surprised but I pressed yes, and something else was posted ...

'Go to shibuya station and take the train at 5:45'

I immediately looked at the clock,"WAHHHHH!!!"I shouted and quickly stand up,"I need to hurry!" I shouted and ran out of the house ...


I got on the train, so I just sat there, a lot of people but there were children at the same time, the same age as me, five boys ... but one was younger, and one girl ... but I was surprised by what I saw. ..because he was wearing a jacket with a yellow on the side, I was not mistaken, because it was

Koji Minamoto ...

But suddenly,my cellphone rang again causing me to cover it so they could not hear ...

I looked again and I saw again a text ...

'Take the elevator and go to the shibuya underground station'

I was even more surprised, but suddenly a boy spoke, and one of Koji's companions ...

"Did you also receive a message?" He asked so his companions turned to me ...

The train stopped just in time so I hurried down even though there were a lot of people ...

"Hey just a moment!" I heard a shout from them

"Yumi!" Koji shouted so I just closed my eyes and looked for an elevator

When I saw the elevator I ran there and got on, I immediately pressed the button and I even saw them chasing me ....

"Just a moment!" They shouted and they were about to board me but it was too late, because the elevator was closed .....

I just looked at my cellphone, and took a deep breath ....

I noticed that the elevator was getting deeper and deeper, it was also moving faster so I just held on to the iron, until it stopped and when it opened there were many trains,and it has a different colors

'This is the last question,are you going to board or just go home?'

I just thought for a while,but lately,i just took a deep breath and nod my head,"it's a pity if I go back to my home"i whispered,"Okay,since I'm here too, so I'll try this"

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