Chapter 58:"Yumi is an enchant user?"

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Koji POV
We were just sat down now at the big crystal,as we saw Yumi just kept crying reason that Koichi and I are look to each other,"Are you sure it's really okay for you without your spirit?"Koichi asked

I look to my digivice,then I nodded and smile,"Yes..."I replied,"somehow I'm reassured that Yumi didn't lose her spirit"I said

"But Koji,"Koichi began,"what are you going to do?"he asked

I look at him,"Why?" I also asked

He pointed at Yumi who was just far away,"Yumi was hurt more than you that you lost your own spirit"Koichi said,"and it just a sign that she can't accept what happened"he said

I lowered my head,"Indeed"I replied,"but Takuya and the others,are they safe now?"I ask

"Yes.."Koichi replied,"Yumi treated them before"

I was surprised and look at him,"What do you mean?" I asked

"Yumi use Endoramon's enchantment ..."Koichi replied,"or in other words, she is now fully enchantment user"he said

I just took a deep breath and look at Yumi,as Koichi slapped my back softly,so I was surprised and turned to him

"Come closer to her,"Koichi said,"she need you now,she need you to be her crying shoulder,as well as her boyfriend"he said

I look at him and smile,"All right"I replied and stood up," thank you Koichi-niisan"I thank

"Goodluck!." He cheered me

I just smile and start towalked closer to Yumi,and saw that her fist was bleeding out,reason that I was surprised and immediately took it and looked at it,"What happened here?" I asked but she didn't answer..instead she just bowed

"What happened to your fist?!"I asked again," answer my question!!"I exclaim out of worry

She look at me slightly badly,"Don't worry about that"she replied,"it will heal too" she said and pulled her hand from mine ...

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yes"Yumi simply replied,"and besides,I'm the one who should ask you that" she said

"Yumi...." I whisper and frown

She just sat down and lowered her head,"If you aren't crazy,you won't do that thing aren't you?"she asked

I sat down next to her,"Are you angry?" I asked

"N-no ..."she replied,"why am I felt an anger to you?"she asked,"and If it yes,it's because you're too crazy to lost your spirit"she said

I was being speechless for a while,looking away and try not to cry.Yes,I was hurt when my spirit was lose to me within a seconds,but as long as I have my girl,brother and my other friends..well,it'll be fine to me.

"Why do you have to do that?"Yumi began,"Why? What the hell got went into your brain and you did that?!!!"she began to cry

"Yumi"I call and look at her," I told you it's okay for me without the spi-"

"LIAR!!!"Yumi interrupted reason that my eyes are widened."Are you really sure that's okay with you huh?!!!"she shouted,"... if you're okay that you lost ypur spirit,well I'm not okay with that!!!"

I just smiled bitterly,as I hugged her tightly,"I'm sorry.."I whispered to her shoulder and my tears are start to drip from my eyes as well

I feel her hands that hugging to me,a warm hug that would warm my feeling,"Do you want me to sing a song for you?"I asked as Yumi broke away her hug to me and look at me.

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