Chapter 59:EvilLiliamon's true personality!

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3rd person's POV
The chosen children are now sitting at the big stone,as Koji and Koichi are telling about what happened at the Time Rift World,"W-what?!"Takuya, Izumi,Junpei and Tomoki shouted in unison

"Believe it or not, everything you see in Timonamon's dimension is just an illusion" Koji said seriously

"If it weren't for Yumi, it would have been hard for you to get out of the dimension" Koichi said

"By the way,"Takuya began,"where is Yumi?"

"Over there"Koichi said pointing Yumi sitting at the corner not far away from them,"she's been there since we sat here.And earlier she look like happy and now.."

"Maybe she just pretended to be happy even if it wasn't so that she wouldn't reveal that she was hurt badly because of what happened"Koji said

"Wait,what happened to her?"Takuya asked,"and why is she really sad now?"

"I'm worried about her"Tomoki said

"Me too"Izumi said

"And of course me too"Junpei said

Koji just clenched his fist,"Until now.."he whispered as his face was darkened,"....until now,she still can't accept the loss of my spirit"he said and his fist was trembling now

Takuya,Izumi,Junpei and Tomoki are all surprised when they heard about Koji's word,and they look at him in their shock expression,"Have you lost your spirit?!"Takuya exclaim

"But how?!"Junpei asked

"Time ages magic..."Koji said,"that magic or secret art of Zentopia is nothing but a real power of Zentopia"

"Zentopia?" Tomoki asked

"That's the power of the Time rift,"Koichi said,"Ulteramon gave thay power to us in order to defeat Timonamon"

"When we suck in at the Time Rift World,Timonamon cast a spell to us to brought at the dimension world,and it'd show to us the person who was sleep in our hearts so deeply or the person you love,but some of them are the person you hate the most"Yumi began to explain while walking closer to them,and her face was still darkened,"After that,Koji was the first one who got survived because of the light comming from Wolfmon,and then me from Ulteramon's words to me,and that's when we met Ulteramon"

"However,Ulteramon told to us about the information of Time Rift World or in the other called Prison Time World,she tell to us that she's not our ally but she decide to help us to defeat her own brother,and after she told the information to us is she said to me and to Koji that we need to saved Koichi-niichan from Cherubimon"Yumi said

"When we finally saved my brother and when we got back from the dimension world we faced Timonamon, and that's where Ulteramon was able to tell about the true power of Zentopia"Koji said

"At that time, we immediately decided which of us would use time ages magic, the three of us argued because of that, but when Timonamon digivolve in the god of time named Godtinomon, we lost time. and as soon as Yumi digivolve as Miramon, she also told Ulteramon that she would be the one to use time ages magic so Ulteramon did nothing but agree even if the replacement would lose her spirit "Koichi explain,"she take a hard time to defeat Godtinomon because he's the god and Miramon is a demon type digimon.On the other hand,Koji begged to Ulteramon that he would the one who used the Time Ages Magic and not Yumi because he believe that they will need her spirit at the future,his words make me hurt but I can't do nothing..we really need to saved the digital world against to them and back at the normal world as soon as possible"

"That's sad.."Izumi said and frown

"But a heroic doing"Junpei said

"I think so"Tomoki agree and look at Koji,"you made us proud of you Koji-san!you really amazing guy"

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