Chapter 10:Find?my beast spirit?

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Yumi POV
We have found a place, and it is just right for our needs, there are many trees ... woods and fresh air ...

"* sigh *, the air is fresh here"Izumi said

"Yes, we found a nice place" Tomoki agreed

"Because we are in the forest so that's it" said Bokomon

"Bokomon is right, there are also many trees so the air is really fresh" Koichi replied

"Ma, pa, patamon is already hungry, pata!"

Patamon said so we all turned to him

"Just wait, we will look for meat apple first" Bokomon replied

We stopped so they sat down, while Koji carefully sat me down and he sat down next to me, and at the same time he held my hand ...

"We will look for trees first" Takuya said

"I'll be with you" Tomoki replied

"All right" Takuya agreed and they walked away ...

"We're on the apples" Izumi replied and she and Junpei got up and left ...

"Be careful!" I shouted


They agreed ... So all that was left were Koji, Koichi, Bokomon, Neemon and Patamon ... while Patamon lay on my thigh so I stroked his head ...

"Are you okay?" Koji asked so I turned to him and nodded

"Yes, I'm fine"

I replied and smiled, so his cheek turned red and we laughed ...

"Bokomon, is there a river near here?" Koichi asked

"As far as I know there is, but I'm just not sure" Bokomon replied

"But the road to the river is there"

Neemon replied and pointed to the one in the middle of the road ...

"We'll just get some water so we can have something to drink" Koichi said so they both stood up

"But Yumi"Koji said worriedly

"I'm fine here, go ahead ... get it" I replied and smiled

"Are you sure?" Koji asked

"Yup" was my sparingly answer

"Ohh go ahead" Koji agreed and they started walking ...

* sigh *

I was just leaning against a tree, but I noticed the sound of my digivice, so I took it out of my skirt pocket ...

'Find your beast spirit alone'

When Ophanimon said I was surprised, I will look for my beast spirit ...

I turned around, and Bokomon and Neemon were just far away, while Patamon was sound asleep ...

'* sigh * it's good that they don't 'But I will leave alone, to find my beast spirit..but I don't know where to look, hmm .... as far as I know the beast spirit is like theirs Takuya ...'

"Slide evolution!"
"Kaiserleomon!" ******************

'That's right, that's what Takuya did, but I promised Koji that I would never leave alone again ...'

I looked at my digivice ....

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