Chapter 55:Fight against your FEAR!!(Koichi's past)

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Yumi POV
We're continue to run now,as Koji was still holding my hand and continue to find Koichi,"KOICHI-NIICHAN!!!"I shouted

"Where are you?!"Koji shouted as well,"WHERE ARE YOU?!!"

"Koichi-niichan!!!!"I shouted once again,"KOICHI-NIICHAN!!!!"i shouted as my voice was echoing at the whole dimension

"HELP ME!!!!"we suddenly heard Koichi's voice

We both surprised and look at each other,"that voice.."we both began to spoke and started to run,"KOICHI(NIICHAN)!!!!"we shouted

We were still running,until.....

"KOICHI-NIISAN!!!"Koji shouted

"Koichi-niichan!!"I shouted as well and we started to run closer to him

He tilt his head towards to us,and he was surprised,"Koji..Yumi?!"he called us in disbelief

I just smile at him,"Yo!!"I greet,"we finally found you niichan"i said

"B-but how did you get here?"Koichi asked

"We'll answer that later"Koji replied,"for now we need to save you before the dimension enchant expires"he said

"But Cherubimon.."Koichi began,"I'm still being pulled from him"he said in his crying tone

I was surprised and just look at him,"H-he was.."i whispered,"he was crying?.."i whispered in shock,then I look behind him as we saw that he was pulled by Cherubimon,"Koji!!"i call and look at him,"we have no choice but to force him to pull"i said

Koji nods his head for his response,"i already know about that Scarlet.."he said

I just smile and look at Koichi,"can you Koichi-niichan?" I asked

"I'll make a way for him to release me" Koichi replied so we nodded ..

"When I count in three,we will both pulled him!"Koji exclaim,"One...two.."he count

"Three!!!!"I continue and look at him,"PULL!!!!" I shouted as we started to pull Koichi away from Cherubimon

I saw how Cherubimon gave us in his sinister smile,"You have nothing against me little brats!!"he shouted and he even more pull Koichi

We slightly slid forward after the happened,but we're still not giving up and keep pulling Koichi,"I'll just say this now.."I began,"but you're heavy Koichi-niichan!!!"

They both looked at me in their enthusiastic look,so I was surprised and start to intense sweating to them,"g-gomenasai.."i said and glared at Koichi,"but we're still need to pull Koichi-niichan away from him!!!"i shouted

Koji gasped,"Yeah"he agrees,"One,Two,Three..."

"PULL!!!!"I shouted as we even more pull him harder than before

But I was surprised by what I felt and remember something,"This dimension nightmare needs to rid out all the fear and nightmare that prison in heart"i whispered and look at Koichi,"don't tell me that you're still have a darkness in your heart?"

Koji look at me,"what do you mean?"he asked

I also look at him,"Koichi-niichan need to rid out of his nightmare and fear in his heart"i replied,"this is the exact line that the female digimon told to me before"i said

I look at Koichi,"tell the truth"I began,"you have still a fear in your heart don't you?"i asked,"the fear and nightmare that absorb by the dimension nightmare and made Cherubimon even more stronger"

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