Chapter 38:Ten elements of EvilLiliamon's staff

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Junpei Shibayama (Warrior of Thunder) POV
We are here again at the house of a digimon ... 'Biramon' is the name of the digimon who treated Yumi ... and now Yumi's wound is being treated again ...

"You saw that your wound had not healed yet but you still fought" Koji said ...

"* sigh * you know ... when you were preaching to me earlier, my eardrum was about to explode" Yumi answered calmly and turned to Koji ...

"Of course Koji ... you were preaching to your girlfriend earlier" Takuya agreed

"* weakly laugh * calm down Koji first" Koichi calmed down

"It's finish" Biramon replied and stood up ...

"I-ite...." Yumi whispered ...

"But ... did you not notice anything strange?" I asked so they turned to me ...

"Did we notice what Junpei-san?" Tomoki asked

"We have already lost four of EvilLiliamon's ten staff ... but in the four times we fought them ... did you really notice anything strange?" I asked again.

"I know what you have in mind Junpei .." Yumi answered seriously so I turned to her ..

"Even me ..." Takuya and Koji answered at the same time ..

"Death, darkness, soul and celestial ..."

"This is exactly the element of the four opponents we defeated" Koji replied

"I'm not sure ... but it looks like those ten, they have different elements ..." Takuya said

"Just like the ancient 10" Tomoki replied

"Flame, light, ice, wind, thunder, water, earth, steel, darkness and woods and another warrior, love" Izumi replied

"Bokomon ... maybe you know something about this ..." Koichi said

"Hmmm ... let's see" Bokomon replied and took his book ...

"What is written there Bokomon?" I asked

"Waah ... nothing is written here" Bokomon replied and showed us a blank page ...

"How do we know about the ten elements of the enemy ...?" Takuya asked

"Are you okay Yumi?" Koichi asked Yumi so we turned to her ...

"I'm okay..I just felt dizzy but it also disappeared immediately" Yumi replied ...

"Min'na ..."

We looked at our digivice so we took it from the pocket of our clothes .... and there we heard the voice of Ophanimon ...

"Ophanimon" we call .

"I admire y'all for your courage ... thank you very much" Ophanimon replied so we looked at each other and nodded ..

"What's our next mission?" Takuya asked

"Nothing ... but just keep arguing with EvilLiliamon's staff and knowing the details of them .." Ophanimon replied ..

"Ophanimon-sama" Endoramon said politely so we turned to him ..

"Endoramon ... I'm glad you sided with these children" Ophanimon replied ...

Yumi POV
I just kept quiet and listened to what Ophanimon was saying to us ... I still felt dizzy ... but I just put up with it ...

"Are you really okay Yumi?" Koji asked me seriously so I was surprised ...

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