Chapter 37:Izumi and Yumi vs. Celestial digimon(Celenamon)

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3rd person's POV
Takuya's group continues to fight Celenamon, the celestial female digimon who is one of EvilLiliamon's strong servant...

"Brezza petalo!"

Celenamon just avoided it and retaliated with an attack ...

"Celestial waves!"

Fairymon was hit and pushed back, so Chakmon and Blitzmon attacked next...

"Thor hammer!"

Celenamon just slapped him back ... so Agnimon and the rest ran towards her .... and hurried to attack

"Burning Salamander!"
"Endlich meteor!"
"Licht sieger!"

Celenamon just smiled and tapped her two fingers ... so they were surprised ...

* bogsh*


With just a flick of Celenamon they were hit and they returned to their former form ... and now they are lying ...

"Takuya-han, Koji-han, Izumi-han, Junpei-han, Koichi-han, Tomoki-han!" Bokomon shouted

Celenamon walked towards them ... and took out her scythe and pointed it at Takuya ...

"Stand up !!" Neemon shouted

"Patamon is begging, desu!" Patamon shouted ...

"You're going to die!" Celenamon shouted and she approached Takuya when suddenly ....

"Stay away from my friends,you jerk!" Loveramon shouted and slapped her scythe away ... so they were surprised ...


"Edo laser!"

Celenamon was hit, so it backed away ...

Loveramon turned to her friends ... so they smiled ... at the same time she was supporting them ...

"But ... your wound, it's not good yet" Koji said so Loveramon tapped his shoulder ...

"I'm okay ... three days is enough for me to rest ..." Loveramon replied ..

"Yumi-san !!" Tomoki shouted and added a hug to Loveramon was surprised and just smiled ...

* evil laugh *

They turned to Celenamon ... so Tomoki broke away from the hug and Loveramon stood up ...

"You can still fight with such a condition of yours, hnn..I'm impressed with you" Celenamon said and took her scythe ...

"I'm sorry ... but I don't want to receive compliments that come from you" Loveramon teased ...

"I can only praise still don't want to accept" Celenamon replied ..

"Loveramon ..."Izumi called and walked closer to Loveramon ...


"I will fight ... * looks at Loveramon * I will help you defeat that female digimon" Izumi said determinedly so Loveramon turned to her ...

"Endoramon .."

"Loveramon-sama ..."

"Avoid the digimons that live here ... Izumi and I will take care of a to" Loveramon replied so they were surprised ...

"B-but ... you can't handle her!" Junpei shouted

Loveramon turned to him ... and at the same time bowed her fist ...

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