Chapter 19.

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"Since boys and girls aren't allowed sleeping on the same bus, you will be sharing this bus with Lou and Lux." Louis motioned towards the bus that was in the middle. I nodded swiftly when he looked over at me, still carrying all of my suitcases. I was slightly starting to struggle with all of the weight, that when Louis grabbed one of my suitcases from my hand and started walking towards the bus to give me a tour I let out a long sigh before following him up and on to the bus.

When I first walked in the first thing I noticed was over used perfume, causing me to scrunch my nose up a bit before following Louis towards to where all the beds are.

"So, this one is yours." He pointed up towards the top bunk smiling. "And Lou and Lux share this one." He finishes pointing towards the lower bunk. He turned around so he was facing a door and opened it revealing a big empty walk in closet. "This is your closet while Lou's is over there." He pointed towards another door. "Don't feel bad, they are both the same sizes." He laughed when he noticed my confused and worried expression on my face.

"So, how long will we be on the road?" I asked walking over to what looks like a little living room, and took a seat on the couch Louis coming over and taking the seat next to me.

"I don't know where we are going, but it will be an whole day drive." I looked up Louis confused. "What?" He asked when he noticed my stares.

"How don't you know where you are heading?" I laughed leaning my head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around me.

"Liam usually remembers all those stuff for us. If we need it we ask him." He shrugged kissing my forehead.

"Atleast you have an responsible one in this group." I joked jumping up from the couch and walked outside. By the small footsteps behind me I could tell Louis was following me.

When we finally reached outside Harry was outside with a few fans. When his eyes slowly caught mine a small smile formed on his face as I slightly frowned. No one knows about Louis and I except the band and our parents. Yeah, they all know who I was but Louis quickly denied us dating only wanting to keep us a secret longer. When the fans noticed Harry's eyes off them and A smile was on his lips now, they quickly turned around when their eyes landed on Louis who was a few steps ahead of me. But, when their eyes landed on me, disappointment was clearly in there eyes, but quickly smiled and started giggling before Louis noticed, since I was known as his bestfriend. Of course Louis noticed. He turned towards me and gave me a concerned look, but I only smiled at him letting him know everything was ok. I know he didn't believe me, but he shrugged it off and walked towards the giggling girls anyways as I walked back on the bus letting out a long sigh not wanting to mess with the fans feelings anymore.

Since when did I get so hated? Yeah, I'm a girl and hang out with one of the most famous boybands in the world. Yet, I am just Louis' bestfriend! Well, atleast that is what they know. They already hate me, even when they think they still have a chance with them. Imagine when they find out we are dating. I will probably be the most hated person on the planet.

"If you keep thinking that hard you will explode."

"Isn't that caused by eating too much?" I asked, looking up towards the door to find a smirking Harry.

"Well, at least your brain will explode." He winked walking towards me closing the door behind him. I rolled my eyes as I turned and walked towards the couch and sat down as Harry followed my lead. "I saw how you just walked away from those fans." I raised my eyes wanting him to continue. "I also saw your expression, what happened?"

I shrugged, not really wanting to talk about it. Especially when they are his fans. I don't want him to think of them differently and especially over something like this. I mean of course I will get hate. They even get hate by some people. Yet, it just seems like I have more, because they are just scared I am either using them for fame since I did just randomly pop up, or I will steal one of the boys from them.

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