Chapter 18.

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The moment I walked back into the hotel room Zayn left my side and joined Niall, Liam, and Harry in the kitchen. I glanced around the room, my eyes quickly landing on Louis. He was sitting on the couch staring at a blank motionless tv. No emotion was in his eyes as I saw his refection on the black screen, so I couldn't tell if he was sad, angry, or a bit excited at the moment, and to be honest that annoyed me more then anything at the moment. Louis always had an expression on his face, no matter if it was just something little it was still something.

"Louis?" I called out taking my first step towards him. He quickly turned around to the sound of my voice, and when he saw me a little emotion formed in his eyes. He was confused and I wouldn't blame him. I just walked out on him. Our first fight since we both become apart of each others life again and I just left. I wouldn't blame him if he just wanted to get rid of me already.

"What are you doing here?" He asked jumping up to his feet.

"I came to apologize." I took another step towards him but automatically stopped when my heart dropped as Louis slightly frowned at me. "I am so sorry for everything." I whispered growing the confidence and made my way over to him. We were now face to face and I couldn't help but drop my eyes from him as I continued talking. "I shouldn't have walked out on you Lou. You know I am nothing like that. I was just scared that when you leave I will just become a past again that you will realize I am not what you wanted and you will find some model and leave me for her." I paused for a minute and finally looked up into his eyes. His eyes were finally showing emotion and the emotion I read was pain.

"I will never do that, Amber." He whispered grabbing the bottom of my chin and kept my head up when I tried looking away again.

"How will I know that?" I dropped my eyes from him but quickly looked back up a few seconds later.

"Because I love you." My breath hitched for a second before a small smile formed on my lips. We used to always say that we loved each other, but back then it was always in a different way. It was just in a friendly way, and back then it never meant more then that. But, the way he is telling me he loves me now is not like how we used to say it. I could actually tell he meant it in a romantic way this time.

"I love you too." I whispered taking a step towards him so now we were just inches away. I could feel his warm breath on the tip of my nose. A big smile spread on his face. We just stood there staring at each other with big smiles on both of our faces. We probably looked mental if you just walked in. "By the way, thanks." I whispered against his lips as he started leaning in.

"For what?" He slightly leaned away and eyed me confused.

"Zayn told me you convinced Management for me to go on tour with you." He slightly laughed before crashing his lips against mine.


"Do you have everything?" Louis asked about the hundred time.

"Yes." I groaned pushing my suitcase on the floor and climbed onto my bed next to him. "You asked me that so many times its annoying me." I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck and sitting on his lap whilst wrapping my legs around him so we were even closer.

"Gotta make sure." He grinned. "I don't want to reach LA and you magically forget something." He winked giving me a quick peck on the lips before falling down on the bed causing me to go with him. Now I was laying on top of him in the most awkward position, but so comfortable so I just rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"Don't worry, that will happen anyways." I laughed closing my eyes and just enjoying the few moments we will have alone together for a while.

"I know."

We just laid like this for a while just absorbing in the silence around us, knowing when we get on the tour bus tomorrow with all the boys there will hardly be any quiet moments. I felt like we could stay like this forever. Us alone and never getting tired of each other. I honestly wish this would never end. I wish we could just escape to another world where it will only be us. No distraction, no careers, no fans, nothing. Just us and everything we needed to survive. Yet, of course that don't exist. Nothing ever goes my plans.

"Are you still awake?" Louis asked lifting up his hand and started playing with the bottom of my hair.

"Mmhmm." I mumbled scooting my face closer to his neck. He softly giggled as he kissed the top of my head.

"What will happen if your parents walk in and they see us like this?"

"They wouldn't care." I laughed peaking up at him.

"And how would you kn-"

"Hey Amber, Your mo- WHAT THE HELL?" I quickly jumped off of Louis and sat up to find a shocked looking Karen staring directly at me.

"Hey." I blushed. She raised her eyes at me before her eyes landed on Louis, who finally sat up and was fixing his shirt. Her eyes quickly widened as she noticed who he was.

"You never told me you two actually made up!" She half yelled bringing her attention back to me. I shrugged as I leaned into Louis and he wrapped his arms around my shoulder not caring that someone else was in the room with us.

"I'm sorry." I smiled. She rolled her eyes as she shut the door and came to sit next to me.

"Now I know my bestfriend is dating a famous person. I am so jealous." I laughed as I rested my legs on her.

"He is a jerk. Don't feel all jealous of me."

"Hey!" Louis yelled causing Karen to laugh. "If I was such a jerk I wouldn't do this." I looked up at him confused and before I knew it his lips smashed against mine causing me to yelp a little as his weight caused me to fall back on the bed and he repositioned himself so he got comfortable.

"You are a jerk!" I laughed pushing him off of me as I sat back up and wrapped my arms around a slightly shocked and disgusted Karen. "You scarred my bestfriend over here!" Louis rolled his eyes as he eyed both of us for a second.

"I'm sorry Karen." Louis said as his expression dropped a little.

"I was kidding!" I laughed again pulling away from Karen and jumped on top of Louis. "She knows she loves me." I winked before I smashed my lips on his. He hesitated for a second seeing if i will pull away anytime soon, but he realized I wasn't going to, so he wrapped his arms around my waist before moving his lips along with mine. I didn't mean to but this kiss started to get more heated up then plan. Louis deepened the kiss even more before flipping us over so I was on the bottom and he was hovering over me now. We both completely forgetting that someone else was in the room with us.

"Well don't have sex in front of me!" Karen yelled from beside us laughing. Louis quickly lifted his head and I slightly moaned in disapproval. This caused Karen to laugh even harder at us.

"Sorry." We both said as Louis rolled off of me.

"It's okay. I have to go anyway." She stood up from the bed as I quickly followed her lead. "When can I see you next?"

"Actually, I am going on tour with them so I don't know." Disappointment crossed her eyes but quickly smiled as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Well good luck with putting up with these crazy boys." We both started laughing as Louis stayed silent on the bed behind us.

"Thanks I will need that." I joked. "Well, call me whenever?" Karen nodded before we both exchanged goodbyes and she walked out leaving Louis and I alone in the room again.

"Come on." Louis finally spoke standing up from my bed and grabbing all my suitcases. "We gotta get back so I can pack my stuff as well."

I nodded, pecking Louis on the cheek before walking out my room to tell my parents goodbye for the last time

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