Chapter 11.

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Right as we sang our last song all we all started running off stage. I paused right in the middle of the stage and turned around and looked at where Amber and Karen were suppose to be. I caught her eye for a second and she had this huge smile on her face. I raised a finger to tell her to wait there and she just nodded as she said something to Karen and sat back down. I turned back around and ran off stage and towards to the place where we usually head off too after a successful concert.

"I think they loved us." I heard Niall say when I reached the room.

"I think even if it was a bad concert they will still like us." Zayn mumbled flopping onto the couch.

"What is wrong with Grumpy pants?" Harry asked aiming his question towards Zayn. "Ever since you took Amber to Dinner you been acting like a grouch." I slid behind the wall so they couldn't see me. For some reason I had a feeling he wouldn't say it if I was in the room.

"I'm just worried about her." Zayn spoke up. "I can tell she really likes Louis.." I could hear something in Zayn's voice telling me that he didn't like that idea.

"What's bad about that?" Liam finally spoke since I got here.

"I know." Harry said before Zayn got a chance to speak. "You like her." I waited for Him to answer saying that he didn't like her, but when he didn't answer I already knew what the answer was.

"Well, I am heading off!" I spoke walking into the room, acting like I didn't hear what they were talking about. All of their heads whipped over to me, and confusion crossed all their faces.

"You really won't tell us?" Niall asked taking a seat next to Zayn.

"Nope!" I said jumping up with a smile on my face. "It's a secret and I don't want you guys to ruin it for me and Amber." I pointed my fingers at all of them. I looked each one of them in the eye and when I looked into Zayn's I could see hurt in his. I ignored the feeling in the pit of my stomach to just let Zayn have her and turned on my heels and walked out the door.

I just couldn't lose her again. Not this time.


When I reached the stage all my thoughts escaped my thoughts as I noticed Amber was the only one left. I fixed my new shirt that I changed into right after I left the room and walked over to her.

"Ready?" I asked when I reached her. She stood up from her seat and nodded.

"I thought you forgot me." Amber admitted while walking over to the exit. 

"Never." I mumbled catching up to her.

"Where is the famous Louis Tomlinson taking me?" She asked when we both got in my car and I turned it on. I turned up the radio a little as I drove onto the street.

"Wherever the road takes us!" I looked over at Amber as horrid crossed her face.

"So, if this road takes us to a gay bar, we are going there?" She asked loosening up and raised an eyebrow. I shook my head as laughter escaped between my lips.

"No, I'm sorry. Just remind me and we will go one day though!" I winked as I took a left on the next road. "You been to Disney World. Right?" I asked curious.

"No, but isn't it a little too late to go?" She rested her head against the window and eyed me.

"We aren't going there either." I smiled. "I just now have to bring you to Disney World one day!"

"No, don't waste your money on me." I rolled my eyes as I stopped at a red light and faced her. 

"I want too." I grabbed her hand and started to drive again. "I have two year to make up for you!" I could feel Amber rolled her eyes even though I wasn't looking at her. I squeezed her hand a little as we were finally reaching where I wanted to go.

"You know I hate when you pay for me though." She slipped her hand out of my grip and I could feel the frown that formed on her face.

"Just let me fix our last 2 years, you also know I won't stop until you let me." She let out a small moan as I stopped the car in front of the park.  

"Fine." She mumbled opening the door. A smile formed on my face as I turned off the car and got out.

"Thank you!" Amber softly smiled as she eyed the deserted park.

"Why are we here?" She asked walking over to the swings. I followed her and sat in the swing next to her.

"Remember when we would have a bad day at school, or we just needed to think we would drag each other to the park by our house?" I asked looking at her. It was hard to see her due to the lack of light they had here, but I could tell she was smiling at those memories.

"Yeah." She spoke up looking at me. "So, what do you need to think about?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Cause, I doubt you had a bad day at school." 

"I had the worst day at school!" I said just a little too loud causing Amber to double over in laughter. "Mary just wouldn't leave me alone, even after I told her I just wasn't interested in her!"

"What does this Mary look like?" She asked when she finally caught her breath. "She would be crazy just to like you." I let out a gasp as I brought my hand to my chest.

"That is cruel." I placed a hand on my hip as she continued to laugh at me.

"Nope, it's the truth." She winked. I stood up from my swing as I pointed a finger at her.

"Oh, it's on!" She stood up from her swing as well and took a step towards me.

"Let's go then!" She leaped into my arms causing me to fall onto the ground and she laid on top of me. Faces inches apart.

"Cheater." I mumbled taking in her scent. She smelled like strawberries and I would be lying if I said I didn't like the smell.

"What do I get for winning?" She asked raising an eyebrow. I smiled creeped onto my face as I thought of one.

"This." I lifted my head a few inches and smashed my lips onto hers.

This time she didn't pull away. She didn't even hesitate. She moved her lips along with mine as her fingers found my hair and pulled me even closer to her. I could feel fireworks between us. I never once kissed a girl before and had these feelings inside of me. I finally pulled away needing air and rested my head back on the ground as Amber rested her forehead against mine with a huge smile on her face.

"Ummmm, what a nice reward." She mumbled looking straight into my eyes. A smile creeped on my face as I saw her face turn a bright red. She rolled off of me and laid down right next to me.

"Yeah.." I whispered looking up at the stars. That kiss wouldn't leave my mind.


Sorry the past chapters have been so short! I promise they will get longer when everything starts to fall into place!


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