Chapter 7.

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"I am not doing anything." Louis protested. Does he honestly think I am that stupid? Why else would he randomly try and act like the bestfriend he was suppose to be 2 years ago? He felt sorry for me. I just lost my grandpa, he now knows something about me I been trying to hide. If I was in his place, I would feel sorry about myself too. 

I opened my mouth to say something but quickly shut it when the elevator doors opened and screams surrounded us. I glanced over at the crowd and back at Louis. My mind was set on one thing. To get out of here without him catching up to me. Just once, I am glad that the fans are here to stop him. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I noticed Louis take a small step closer to me. Without even thinking I ran out of the elevator. People were staring at me, some even tried to trip me. I didn't let any of that stop me though, I had to get out of here. I just need to leave here so Louis can have a normal life once again. When I finally made it to the door I took one last look behind me. All I could see were fans gathering around Louis. The look on his face almost made me go back to him. He looked confused, hurt, and shock, but When I thought of how much trouble I probably caused all of them, gave me the strength to push the door open and ran out the door. I ran all the way home, I didn't look back once. I was too scared to see that he was actually chasing after me.Luckily the hotel was only a block away from my house. When I reached home I ran inside and my mum  quickly looked up at me shock.

"Are you okay?" She asked when I passed her. I ignored her question and ran upstairs. I slammed my bedroom door shut and locked it. I fell on my bed and let out a loud pitch scream while stuffing my head into my pillow.

What am I doing with my life? My life shouldn't be like this. I should be back in the U.K with my bestfriend before any of this famous stuff attacked him.



"LOUIS!" I screamed, running up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt a tear of joy slip down my cheek as I finally got to see my bestfriend after 5 long months. His family and him went on vacation to America, and the only way we could communicate was when we were both online at the same time. Which was mostly never, thanks to the time distance between here and there.


"AMBER!" He yelled wrapping his strong arms around my waist and lifted me up in the air. I couldn't help but let a laugh escape between my lips as we stayed like this for a couple of minutes and people in the airport were starting to stare at us.


"Lou, people are staring." I whispered into his ear, trying to escape his hold.


"They can stare as much as they like! I haven't seen you in 5 long torture months!" I rolled my eyes as he finally let me down. He wiped away the tear on my cheek as a huge smile formed on his face.


"I bet that you had a better five months then I did." I laughed. He shrugged and winked at me. I looked behind him and saw that all his family was finally coming in while carrying loads of luggage.


"You just left your family to get your stuff?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him. He turned around and when he saw Lottie struggiling he ran over to her and grabbed it from her. I waltzed over to them and when Lottie noticed me she dropped all her bags and tightly wrapped her arms around my neck. 

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