Chapter 2.

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Hey Everyone! Can you guys help me gain fans and more readers for this story? It will mean so much (: Really!

And, just for something. Here is a Photo of Louis! Isn't he Sexy? ;)

Dedicated this chapter too Melstarlight for making the new awsome cover (:

Here chapter 2! (:


I went to reach for my purse but he grabbed it before I could. He handed it to me and I tried to keep my face hidden behind my hair. I felt childish, I doubt he even remembered me. It has been 2 years and he hasnt even tried to contact me once.

"Thank you." I said standing up and quickly grabbed my purse and turned away and started walking.

"Wait!" He called catching up too me. He reached my side and I kept hiding my face behind my hair. "Whats your name sweety?"

"Umm, Amber." I mumbled hoping he wont recognize my name. Also, he has most likely met a lot of Ambers the last two years so he probably won't even think twice about it.

"Nice name." I slightly blushed and started walking a little faster. Not watching where I was going I accidentally tripped over my own foot, luckily Louis was right next to me. He grabbed my right hand before I fell on the floor and helped me back up. I looked down at our hands and I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Thank you" I mumbled as I looked up at his face. Right as our eyes met, recognition crossed his face. I quickly looked down and started walking again, this time watching my steps.

"Wait!" He called again running back up to my side. "Are you Amber Scott?" He asked grabbing my hand and forcing me to look at him.

"Why should this matter to you?" I didn't mean sounding rude, but I just couldn't help it. After waiting 2 years just to hear from him he now wants to remember me?

"Listen I know you are mad at me but-"

"Oh, I am not mad Louis." I interrupted him. "Why would I be mad at someone that forgets about their bestfriend?" Hurt crossed his face as I raised an eyebrow and waited for an response. When I noticed that he wasn't going to say anything I just rolled my eyes and walked outside the mall.

When I finally reached the car I got in the backseat and started crying. I cried for all the old times Louis and I had. For every fight that was over nothing, every laugh we shared over his thoughtless jokes. I cried because I missed him and knowing that after that, we probably will never be friends again. I took out my phone and Dialed Karen's number

"Amber? Where are you?" She answered on the third ring.

"I'm in your car. I know you are fanning over the boys, but can you please come here. I need you" My voice broke mid sentence and I started to cry even harder.

"On my way! You have to tell me everything!" She said while hanging up. I put my phone back in my pocket and leaned my head against the window. After years of hiding this, why does it have to be now that it all comes out?


"Wait, so you and Louis were bestfriends before you moved here?" Karen asked trying to put everything together.

"Yep" I nodded. "I am sorry I didn't tell you before, it's just I didn't want you to think I can get you some tickets or their number when I can't" I mumbled. I looked out the window and suddenly regretted it. Louis just walked out of the mall alone. I looked over to Karen and pointed over at him. She slowly smiled as she opened the car door.

"What are you doing?!" I asked as she stepped out of the car.

"I am going to get you and Louis friends again. Now come on!" She grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards him. When he saw us walking towards him a smile formed on his face.

"Okay, Louis and Amber, Make everything better and be friends again. I gotta go though. See you in a little babe!" Before I could even protest she ran back to the car leaving Louis and I alone. I was about to go back myself but Louis' cough made me stay back.

"Amber?" I slowly turned around and faced Louis. His face was all serious and I knew that this wasn't the best sign. Whenever he was serious, that always meant he wasn't in the best mood.

"Listen, Whatever you have to say Louis, let me say something first." He nodded so I continued. "I just want you too know that you really did hurt me when you decided to ignore me. You were my bestfriend and leaving you was the worst thing I could ever do. It broke me inside. Knowing I couldn't run up to you when I had a bad day, knowing that I won't be able to joke around with you anymore, or stealing your food and clothes when I would spend the night. Knowing that I couldn't do that anymore made me want to cry. So when you started ignoring me that hurt even more. It made me feel like you just didn't care about me. Like you were just faking being my friend.. And Honestly it still does" I wiped away the tear on my cheek and watched Louis' facial expression change from serious to sad. I took a step away from him as I felt more tears come.

"I am so sorry" Louis mumbled as he took a step towards me. "I just want you too know that I didn't mean to stop talking to you. I really didn't"

"THEN WHY DID YOU!" I yelled. Louis looked surprise by the change of tone. "If you didn't mean to then why? If you knew this would hurt me then why would you do this to me!"

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU AMBER! I COULDN'T BARE THE THOUGHT OF NOT SEEING YOU ANYMORE!" Louis yelled back. I felt my heart drop as he said those words. Louis loved me? That couldn't be right. Bestfriend's don't love each other. Not that way atleast. Even if they stop being friends for a while.

"You are not suppose to love me Louis.. I'm not someone people fall inlove with.." I kept backing away from him. I just wanted to get out of here. I just wanted to run away and figure out what happened. Why he loves me. Why it had to be me.

"You might not be someone other people fall inlove with but you're someone I fall inlove with. I know you. I know the real you, not who you want people to see. I know how you get so into a song, but only when you're alone cause you're scared others might hate your singing. I know that you are terrified of rollercoasters but you ride them so no one makes fun of you. I know how if you like a guy you watch them when you think they aren't looking. I know how you get butterflies everytime you are about to go infront of a crowd. You act like you are this strong person but you cry during love stories because you wish you had a story like that. You hate it when people see you cry because you don't want people to think you are weak. I know you Amber, I fell inlove with the Amber that was around me. Not who she pretends to be." I was now crying. Everything that he said I been trying to hide ever since I moved here. I didn't want people to know that side. I wanted to be brand new. Someone that people actually like.

I was about to say something, but Louis' lips found his way to mine. They were soft and they felt nice against mine. It was hard to pull away, but I did.

"I'm so sorry Louis. But this isn't suppose to happen. We... I Got to go" I ran back to the car in tears, while ignoring the calls of my name.

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