Chapter 23

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A few months had gone by, and I would be lying if I said that everything went just the way I planned. It took the fans a month or two, to finally get over Harry being bi. The memory of a group of fans telling Harry that they still love him no matter who he loves will always be a great sight in my head, and Louis and I were lucky enough to say we were there to witness it. Yet, since Harry is now openly bi, that only does leave more hate on me. Yet, to be honest I rather have hate on me then hate on Harry. More then half the fan base loves Louis and I together, but the other half also hates us because they are what Louis calls 'Larry shippers.' To be honest I don't really listen to them, because they don't see what goes on behind the doors when we are all alone. They don't see the way Louis and I act when it's just us. So why should I go on and hate on them? Especially since they just want something to happen, that I would want to happen if Louis and I did ever end up breaking. Yes, I know it's weird to ship your boyfriend with his bestfriend, but I just do and Louis and I just laugh about it when we talk about what would happen if that ever did happen.

"Hey, Amber?" I looked up from the window I was just recently looking out of and turned towards a slightly nervous Louis.

"Yes?" I asked, standing up from the chair and walked over towards him.

"It's crazy." Louis chuckled, running a hand through his tousled hair.

"Is it about tonight?"  I asked.

Louis smirked as he slightly nodded his head. "I honestly don't know why." Louis whispered. "I have done concerts hundreds of times by now and me being nervous is quite stupid."

"Louis." I laughed, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. "You quite know why you are nervous." I smiled. "It's not because of you. It's for Harry." 

"I just don't understand why he wants to do it tonight!" Louis spoke while shaking his head. "They just been dating a month and he wants to come out tonight while during a concert?" 

I rolled my eyes at my concerned boyfriend, and softly kissed him. "You know how Harry is." I teased. "But, you have no right to complain we came out before it was even a month."

"We did it for Harry though." Louis rolled his eyes as he took a step away from me. "And you were the one that did it anyways not me."

"You know what Louis?" I asked making my way over to our room so I could start getting ready for the concert that's a few hours ahead of us. "I would assume you are jealous that Harry has a new boyfriend." 

Louis let out a loud laugh as he walked into the room with me and stripped out of his shirt. "Nonsense!" I laughed along with Louis as I watched him roll his eyes at me. "It's not that it Ha.." Louis quickly stopped talking before he said to much.  "Get dress Amber, we have to meet the boys at the concert soon."

"Will David be there?" I asked picking out a dress.

"Why wouldn't he?" Louis questioned. "Harry and him are coming out tonight anyways."

"Harry!" I yelled while running up to the taller boy and wrapping my arms around him. "Are you excited?"

Harry slightly chuckled as he wrapped his arms around my back. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, Louis probably took all the nervous out of you." I smirked. "All day he has been a nervous wreck."

"Why?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow, taking a step away from me.

"You know Louis doesn't make sense some times."

"Atleast I know he still cares." Harry let out a small chuckle. Even though he laughed, there was something about the way that Harry's eyes slightly dropped. I couldn't quite understand what was going through his head, so I simply just shrugged it off as I noticed Harry's boyfriend walking up to us.

"Hey David!" I smiled waving over at him. He waved back over to me as he wrapped a arm around Harry's shoulder. We both noticed that Harry slightly stiffen, and that made me think about how Louis was acting this morning when he was talking about Harry.

"So, tonight is the big night." David smiled kissing Harry on the cheek. "I can't wait till I can act like his boyfriend in public now." David, ran a hand through his light blonde hair as he hazel eyes glistened with happiness. On David's side you could see happiness, but when you look over at Harry it almost seemed he was starting to regret everything that hasn't even happened yet.

"Amber!" I turned around to find Louis in the doorway staring at us. 

"I'm sorry." I apologized turning back towards Harry and David. "I gotta go, see you guys later." 

"Ok." Harry mumbled. I glanced over at Harry concerned for a second before turning towards Louis and ran towards him.

"Hey babe." Louis chirped up, kissing my forehead. 

"Hey." I smiled, intertwinning our fingers together and walked into the building.

"I'm worried about Harry." I sighed when we walked into his dressing room.

"Harry?" Louis asked flopping down on the couch. "Why?"

"Because, I don't think he really likes David." I sat down next to Louis as he just shrugged.

"He isn't." Louis sighed. "I see it everytime he is around. I don't even know why they are together. I honestly don't think they are a good couple." 

"Can't you talk him out of it?" 

"I can try tonight but I can't promise anything."

"He is your bestfriend Louis!" I said standing up. "Call him."

Louis looked up at me for a few seconds before he nodded his head and pulled out his phone.I watched as he dialled a number and stood up from the couch and walked out the room.

"We were right." Louis smiled walking into the room about an hour later. "Harry just broke up with him."

"Really?" I asked turning off the tv and turned towards Louis.


"Then I guess that means there is no reason for you to be worried anymore." Louis laughed as he wrapped his arms around my neck. 

"I guess not."


I know this chapter like sucks omg. But I kinda had writers block on this chapter -__-

But also there is only one chapter left and a epilogue! So I hope you liked this story! 

Love, Rachel (:

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