Chapter 3.

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Hey guys! So, I am still trying to gain more readers and followers! So if you don't mind. Help me out?

Well, here is a picture of what Amber looks like! (:

Dedicated to Rachael1099 for helping me with this chapter and song(:

Song for Chapter- Everybody hurts by REM (I know its old, but It goes with the chapter)

Well.. Here is chapter 3! (:


 Right as I reached home I waved goodbye to Karen and walked inside. When I reached the kitchen I found my mom sitting at the kitchen counter with her head down clutching onto the phone like it's something she don't want to loose.

"Mom?" I sat down to the seat next to her and placed a hand on her back. "Are you okay?" She looked up at me and her eyes were blood shot red. Concern and sadness took over me as I wrapped my arms around her. 

"He's gone." She whispered. I pulled away and waited for her to continue.

"Who?" I asked realizing she wasn't going to continue.

"Your Grandpa died last night Amber."

"He d..died?" It came out more as a question as tears rushed to my eyes. She nodded as I stood up and walked back too the front door.

"Where are you going?" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Out!" I said as I closed the door behind me. I started walking over to the park, that Karen and I found last year. No one ever goes to that park. It's dirty and old but I usually go down there just to think about stuff that went on that day. That park was like my thinking area. When I reached it I sat down on the swing and let the tears fall from my eyes. I kept thinking over and over again about the last time I saw my grandpa. It was two years ago and it was the day before I moved to Orlando. We were all at his house. Even Louis' family was there. He seemed so healthy and happy then. How could this happen? 


"You know Amber you look a lot like your own mom when she was just your age." My grandpa said as he sat down next to Louis and I by his pool.

"Yes, my mom has told me that many times." I laughed looking at the water. 

"Well has she told you that you also act like her when you are around your bestfriend?" I looked at him confused. 

"How do we act?" I looked back at the water and watched my feet swing back and forth. 

"Well first off, You two never leave each other's side" I looked up at Louis and we both smiled at eachother cause we both know that's true. " It seems like you both share a brain, and it ain't a smart one either." I looked at my grandpa shock as my jaw dropped. He started laughing and I couldn't help but join along. Everytime that he laughs it always made you laugh as well, no matter what you feel like at that moment. "you two also wear the same clothes! I mean look! You too almost match!" I looked at our outfits and noticed we were both wearing a red and white striped shirt and both our jeans were rolled up so we could put our feet in the water.

"You stole my outfit!" I laughed while playfully pushing Louis. He looked down at what we were wearing and when he noticed, he started laughing with me. 

"Actually you stole mine." He smirked while pushing me.

"No I didn't!" I defended myself.

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