Chapter 17.

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I woke up the next morning to the sunlight shining through the window causing a huge headache to appear. I tried to roll over to check out the time, but instead a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer into his chest.

"Morning." Louis' sexy morning voice whispered into my hair.

"Morning." I replied snuggling my head into his chest shutting my eyes as the headache got worst.

"Hungover?" He laughed kissing my forehead. I nodded wrapping my arms around his neck and letting out a small moan.

"Why don't you have one? You were more drunk then I was?" I questioned peaking up at him and seeing a small smile appear on his lips.

"I guess I got lucky?" He laughed stripping the covers off him and standing up leaving me alone in his bed. I wrapped the covers over me and snuggled up to a pillow staring at Louis as he rummaged around the room looking for sweats and a shirt to put on.

"Hungry?" He asked when he finally settled down on a white and blue striped shirt and red sweat pants.

"No. Can you get me Advil though?" He nodded walking out of the room and leaving me alone in this big hotel room that we shared with the other 4 guys.

I picked up my phone that was laying on the night stand and noticed I had one text from Karen. A small smile slipped on my lips as I realized I haven't talked to her in a while.

From: Karen babe(;

Heyy! I haven't heard from you in a while. What are you doing today? Want to go do something?

I sighed realizing I wasn't in the mood to do anything today. Especially not with this hungover. All I wanted to do was snuggle up next to Louis while listening to him ramble on about something that neither of us cared about while he was softly playing with my hair. There was just something about Louis' voice that made me calm down. Either that it was a little bit higher then usual boys or it was just that I had grown to it since we were little kids. All I knew was that everytime I hear him I calm down.

To: Karen babe(;

I would love too! But I really don't feel good some other time?

I placed my phone back down on the nightstand while settling back in bed trying not to move hoping my head will take the hint and stop killing me.

"AMBBERRRRRR!" I winced at the sudden loudness coming from down the hall.

"SH AMBER DON'T FEEL WEll!" Louis yelled back causing me to let out a little laugh.

"What's wrong babe?" I looked up to find Zayn standing in the doorway staring at me with a sad expression on his face. I pointed to my head and he quickly understood what I meant and nodded slowly backing out of the room as Louis came waltzing in with a glass of water in one hand and two pills in the other.

"Here you go babe." Louis smiled handing over the pills and water. I quickly took them, putting down the glass next to my phone and laid back down staring up at him.

What are you guys doing today?" I asked as he walked to the side of the bed and laid down next to me. He stared up at the ceiling with a small smile on his face.

"Nothing that I know of. Why?"

"Nothing." I whispered snuggling up to him. I rested my head in the crook of his neck as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

Why have I just now realized that being with Louis would be like this? Why not when he was dating all those random girl that I never approved of and caused us to get in a fight that lasted a whole week? Who knew I would be saying I am falling for my bestfriend that happens to be known all around the world and loved by many.

"Amber?" Louis whispered tightening his grip on me.


"We are leaving in two days." I looked up at him confused for a second before realizing what he was talking about and wrapped my arms around him.

"Where will this leave us?" I asked not wanting to really hear the answer to that.

"I don't know." I felt my heart drop. He didn't know? Doesn't he want to try and work us out? I don't know if I could bare the thought of losing him again. "I am trying t-"

"No." I replied sitting up and staring at him. "We both know how it happened last time when you left me. Why should I be stupid enough to just let you hurt me again!" I yelled the last part standing up and walking to the door. I ignored him calling for me as I walked out our room and down the hall passing the boys who had confused looks on their face.

"Amber!" Louis yelled right when I reached the door. "You didnt let me finish talking!" I paused knowing that we caused a scene and that all the boys were probably now standing in the living room. "Do you really want to just give up on us again? Right when everything is starting to go back to normal!" I could hear his voice crack at the end. I turned to face him and like I assumed all the boys were standing there watching us. Probably making sure that nothing bad happened.

"I didn't give up on us Louis!" I tried to keep my voice down but I started to yell at the end. "I kept trying to call you! I was the one that had to watch you day by day forgetting me! I was the one at home hoping I would cross your mind by some little chance and you will wonder about me and give me a call! I did not give up on our friendship! That was you!" Tears rushed to my eyes and Zayn quickly rushed to my side wrapping a arm around me while whispering 'it's okay shh'

I waited for Louis to reply back. To say something like that he tried but he couldn't because he got scared that I will yell at him. Just something to show me that he wanted to keep in touch with me. But, when nothing came out of his mouth I rolled my eyes and walked out of this room and into the hotel hallway and fell to the floor and started to cry.

Everything was just starting to go good again. Why did this have to happen? Why couldn't we both have just kept our mouth shut and said we would find a way to let this work out?

When the door opened I started to get up hoping it was Louis to come apologize. But, instead it was just Zayn coming to hand me my phone.

"Thanks." I smiled grabbing my phone from him and slumping back down to the floor.

"It seems like I always give back your phone." He laughed sitting down next to me.

"You are now my phone guy." I joked laughing. We sat there laughing for a few seconds before he suddenly got serious and stared at me.

"You know he really likes you." Without even saying his name I already knew who he was talking about.

"I really like him too Zayn." I whispered taking in a deep breath. "I'm just tired of always getting hurt at the end."

Even though I knew Louis never meant hurting me it would always happen even when he never knew about it. Like that one time when we were in grade 10 and Louis got this girlfriend that he knew hated me, he would ignore me all day just so she would stay with him. Or whenever Stan, him, and I would hang out I knew he never meant it but they would leave me out of stuff and when Louis would realize at the end I wasn't doing anything I would say it was okay and that I didn't want to do anything anyway. Also Everytime Louis would get a girlfriend I would feel Jealous even if I had a boyfriend and I just now realized that why I ever felt like that. I had a crush on him.

"We won't let him do that to you again. Louis has been talking to management to let you live on the tour bus with us."

"I can't." I scoffed. "I will just be getting in the way." Zayn let out a small laugh before standing up and pulling me with him.

"Nonsense. No come on. Louis is waiting for you inside."

I sighed walking back inside dreading to see what happens inside

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