Chapter 8.

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I was just about to fall asleep on the couch when the doorbell rang, making me jump off the couch and onto the floor. I rubbed the back of my neck as I stood up and dragged my feet over to the door.

"Hello." I mumbled letting go of my neck and gave a small smile to Zayn who was looking at me like I was a monster. "You woke me up. Sorry, I am grumpy at the moment." He nodded as I took a step away from the door and watched him walk in looking around my house. I took one last look outside making sure no one was out there. When I saw no one I closed the door and joined Zayn on the couch.

"Here's your phone." He handed it to me as I said a thank you. 

"Are you hungry? You didn't eat while you were at the hotel."

"No, I ate when I got home." I lied. Zayn frowned as he shook his head at me.

"Amber, I know that you starve yourself." 

"It's okay really." I gave him a small smile to let him know that everything was okay, but the look on his face told me that he didn't believe me. 

"Just let me take you out. I don't want you too do this to yourself." He stood up and reached for my hand, but before he grabbed it I pulled it away from him and burried even farther into the couch.

"All you came here for is to give me my phone. Now that I have it you can leave." I stood up and walked over to the door and opened it. I watched him as he walked over to me and stopped right next to me and closed the door. I sighed as I put a hand to my hip and a frown slipped on my face.

"Zayn.." I whispered looking up into his eyes. "Leave this alone. Soon you will leave Orlando and all of you will forget all about me." I gave him one of my best smiles while trying to ignore the hurt that crossed over me at the thought of them leaving me.

"Don't think like that!" He yelled taking a step towards me. I winced, not expecting that but quickly took a step away from him so we were at the same distance again. "Amber." He said while lowering his voice. He grabbed my hand and forced me to look up at him. "That could never happen. We may have only known you a few days, but Louis knew you his whole lifetime. He cannot lose you again." I tried to hold back my tears, but at this point it was useless. One slipped out of my eyes as I felt Zayn wipe it away with his thumb.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled ripping my face out of his grip and hiding behind my hair. This is the second time I cried infront of him. I felt so horrible that he had to see me like this that I just wanted to hide away from him, but then I noticed he was still holding my hand and I just frozed and stared at our intertwinned hands. He quickly pulled away when he noticed what I was staring at and I looked up at him shocked.

"Please eat. Come with me." I let out a sigh when I realized that none of them will give up till I eat so I slowly nodded and watched as Zayn's face lit up.

"Only because you were starting to annoy me." I joked laughing. He shrugged as he opened the door again as we walked outside.

"There is a restaurant by here. We can walk or I can call a driver."

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