→chapter 8.

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Some mature content in the beginning.

Ushijima wakes up late. Any hour after seven in the morning is considered late to the volleyball player anyway, as he's always up at the same time with the sun rising. It's only ten in the morning. The events from last night tired him more than he had expected so he didn't wake up at his normal hour to go out running. He doesn't use an alarm as his body is simply programed to wake him up when needed to.

Well, one missed jogging won't affect his next games or his future career. He can enjoy the rest of the morning with you, cuddling under the blankets. He turns around to see you and he's met with your naked figure, nothing covering you.

Oh, yeah, you fell asleep naked. After countless sex rounds, trying to see who can resist longer, his demonic stamina won over you and you almost passed out from exhaustion. So, he had to carry you bridal-style to the bathroom so you could wash away all the lube that was everywhere on you two.

For once, he was grateful for the big and empty house he used to hate as a child, as his mother was far away from his bedroom to hear anything. He had to carry you back to the bedroom as your legs felt like jelly. And as soon as he put you back in bed, you fell asleep. He was unsure whether or not to dress you up; he didn't want to wake you up either so he just locked the door, put back his boxers and then joined you under the covers.

And now, your naked back is exposed to him, as the covers are pushed aside and probably on the floor. He swallows dryly as he analyzes your curves, hip dips, your butt and a need to touch you overwhelms him. Even though the rational part of his brain is telling him to stay put, he gets closer to you, resting his weight on his elbow and begins pressing kisses all over your body: on your back, on your shoulder, ribs, hips...

He stops when he feels you slightly moving. You roll around, now lying on your back, looking at him through half-lidded eyes.

"What's with all this love so early in the morning?" You give him a sleepy smile, your hand reaching to touch his face, cupping it as you rub it with your thumb. His cheeks are red from the embarrassment of being caught in the act, the color spreading all the way up to his ears.

"...Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up"

"It's okay, I don't mind it," you yawn, tears forming in your eyes and blurring your vision. "What time is it? Weren't you supposed to be out jogging?" You tiredly rub your eyes, standing up to look around the room for your phone.

"I didn't wake up on time so I didn't go," you then fall back on the bed, burying yourself in his chest.

"Then let's go back to sleep. I'm still tired," you yawn again as his body heat lulls you back to the land of dreams.

"I feel like it's my fault. Sorry"

"You don't have to apologize, I told you that I'm fine so stop worrying about that," he doesn't say anything else and you think that the discussion is over, but Ushijima speaks again.

"We have guests later today," you immediately pull away to look at him.

"Guests?! Who's visiting us?" There are not many people outside from the ones at your school that know that you are here, and the relationship between you and your distant relatives barely exists.

"Our teams," you almost yell at him.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?! And what do you mean by our teams?! Who's actually coming?"

"Tendou, Reon, Hayato, Semi, Nari, Minako, and Akane," you sigh. He is impossible sometimes.

"And when were you going to tell me this?" You ask, rubbing your face. It takes him a few seconds to answer.

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