→chapter 4.

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TW: Blood and violence! Please don't read if these themes make you uncomfortable!
Also this is another long chapter.

The crowd starts clapping and screaming while you're still on the floor with your team all over you, crying of happiness. The boys' team never celebrated a victory like this; since they've been to nationals 3 years in a row, it became a custom to them. Looking at the banner, "Intense force" doesn't apply to the girls getting up to line up.

And that's okay. You don't have to be like them in order to win, as it was already proven minutes ago. While training your team, you focused more on receiving and blocking, rather than on spiking. Maybe you were overconfident in your blocking skills, as you told your ace that if you couldn't block her, nobody else would. But at the same time, Ushijima never managed to destroy the wall that you would put in front of him, no matter how strong he got. You could always tell where the ball was going just by watching his form.

Years of intense self-training, lots of tape rolls and numerous visits to the doctor to check if your fingers were fine... all of these in each block... and here you stand, bowing in front of your rivals after defeating them. You rise up with a proud smile and walk towards them to shake the other captain's hand. Her grip is firm and she has a determined look on her face.

"We'll be watching," her words catch you off guard. You nod and let go of her hand, as it was time to thank the crowd for their support. Your girls have already started departing, but you run back towards your advisor. She opens her palm and you pick up only your ring, leaving the necklace behind and you join your team in front of the tribunes.

"Thank you for all of your support!" You speak first, followed by your teammates as you bow down in front of the public. The boys are clapping together with Minako. She feels guilt and jealousy as she looks down at you, since the other pinch server wasn't that useful in the match, and hopes that her arm heals soon enough so she can make up for this.

You wave at the crowd with your left hand, flashing the golden band around your ring finger for everyone to see. You and Ushijima simply stare at each other with wide smiles. His eyes are gentle, full of love and adoration for you. Being so engulfed with each other, you don't even notice Kiyoko a few feet to your right, wiping tears away from her face. Her worries fade away. This is nothing like that day.

Nari gets behind you, squatting as her hands grab onto your thighs. Her head goes between your legs and in an instant your feet are no longer touching the ground.

"Nari, what the fuck are you doing?" But she's completely ignoring you, laughing like a maniac while approaching the tribunes where your husband and his teammates are, with you on her shoulders. You hold your hands up and high five Minako first and then move to the boys as each of them congratulates you on your victory.

When you reach Ushijima, nothing around you matters anymore.

Everyone is suddenly watching you two, hoping that their assumptions will finally be cleared.

"Congratulations, (Name)," his tone is sweet like honey and his smile could literally kill you. Looking at the man in front of you, your man, your husband, you gain the courage to do something that you've wanted to do for a long, long time and finally make people understand where you stand.

You grab him by the collar of his hoodie, dragging him down at your level. You give him a small peck on the lips, not wanting to attract more attention, even though the whole gymnasium clearly didn't miss this interaction. After you pull away and let go of his hoodie, he's just staring at you, dumbfounded. You wink at him and laugh at his expression as Nari starts making her way back to the team, cheering for you.

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