→chapter 6.

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Kind of NSFW towards the end??? I don't know

Ushijima's mother is taking care of all the paperwork necessary while you gather your stuff. Her son came the day after the incident with a bag full of your personal belongings, packed by Nari and apparently the whole team since they left a note signed by everyone. They also sent you candies.

As there is nothing else the doctors can do for you, they are sending you home to rest and let the wound heal. They also informed you about how to clean and take care of it in the meantime. You will have to come back some time later to get the threads removed. You will return to school after that, but it's unsure whether or not your body will be fully recovered so that you can play again.

This situation is on another stress level. At least one of your worries is gone: since you were the one 'coaching' your team, Washijou decided to step in and give you a hand by training the girls himself. When Nari called you and gave you the news, you thought that she was messing with you. But it's all true and you still can't believe it.

You are getting changed from your pajamas into some casual and baggy clothes. Your body is still in a lot of pain and you can barely move around. You notice that your wedding band is still on your finger. You never took it off after Ushijima put it back on, staring at it every night before going to sleep. And you're not planning on removing it now anyway. That's where it belongs.

He couldn't visit you again, since school started the following day for everyone and you miss him terribly. You didn't tell him that while you were texting though, because you knew that he would have showed up the next day, no matter if he had classes or had to study.

"Are you ready?" Ushijima's mother comes in. You nod and are about to pick up your bag from the bed, but she snatches it from you. "You're not allowed to lift heavy objects, let me do it," if there's one thing that your husband has in common with his mother is that once they decide on something, it's really hard for them to change their mind.

She helps you get in the car and put your seatbelt on, making sure not to put too much pressure on your wound. She's taking you home, but not to your home, the one you grew up in all your life. No, that house was sold after your wedding, since you are going to need money for college. You're going to Ushijima's house and will have to spend the next two or three weeks there, alone with his mother and grandmother.

The only times you visit them is during the holidays and it's always with Ushijima, but you don't stay much since both of you have training. The last time you were there was a few days after your wedding. You always have this feeling that you are not welcomed there, no matter how many times Ushijima has told you that his family actually likes you.

The ride is not that long, but it's really quiet. Well, the older woman is not that talkative either... wonder where your husband got that from... But in all seriousness, Ushijima's mother is a person that you admire. She's a strong, independent woman, raising her son all by herself. She came to some of his matches at the nationals, cheering on for her son with you in the crowd, supporting his dream even though it hurts her to have him so far away from her.

Ushijima might have been better off with a person just like that—

"We're here," she snaps you out of your negative thinking after pulling into the driveway and turning off the engine.

"Oh... thank you for the ride," she gives you a small smile and removes her seatbelt. You get out of the car and she goes to pick your bag, taking it inside as you follow her. The traditional house is unchanged. With the winter right around the corner, the trees have been losing their leaves, but the building still stands tall and imposing, characteristics specific to the Ushijima family.

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