→chapter 12.

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It was hard to sleep last night. As a captain, you had to check everyone's luggage to make sure that they had packed everything they would need, especially the two sets of uniforms and medicine for those with motion sickness. Since the dorms are never fully occupied, some of your teammates were able to sleep at school, so it was easier to leave in the morning.

While in bed, you were constantly thinking that you would be finally leaving for Tokyo in just a few hours. So much had happened since your win against Niiyama. So much... in so little time... The stabbing incident, staying at home with nothing to do, your relationship with Ushijima evolving, the fight between you and the basketball team's captain.

You're not the only one that made progress though. With Washijou's help, the team improved significantly. More offers for practice matches came after you victory so you could see everyone's progress against actual players.

Your high-school life is coming to an end in two months. You still have to think about what you're going to do after, since you haven't chosen a career yet. You're hoping that the nationals will help you in a way or another.

After getting all the luggage inside the bus, you're ready to depart, until you see a tall figure approaching.

"What are you doing here at this hour?" You ask your husband. He's dressed in casual clothes over which he has a big puffy jacket.

"I came to see you before you take off," you can tell that he's still sleepy, judging by how small his eyes are.

Nari shoves everyone inside the vehicle, trying to give you two some privacy, but that doesn't stop them from staring.

"Keep me updated. Take care"

"I'm not the one driving so we should be fine. Now go back to bed, you have a train to catch later today," the driver starts the engine and that's your cue to get going.

Before you can move a muscle, Ushijima grabs you by your hand and brings you closer, wrapping your arms around you.

"Have a safe trip. I love you," it's rare for him to display affection in public, especially in front of people that know him.

"I love you too," you place a kiss on his cheek and jog towards the bus. You get in and find your seat next to Nari, who is already comfortably settled in.

Ushijima stays there until you leave, waving back at you as you start departing. As soon as you're out of the school's perimeter, the whole team turns to you.

"Spill the tea. Now. We need to know every little detail," Akane says with an evil grin.

"Girls! Leave her alone" The coach scolds them.

"No, because she always runs away. You're trapped here, so start talking"

"Fine, fine. What do you want to know?" Their eyes glitter when they hear this.


You catch some sleep during the bus ride, texting Ushijima from time to time, informing him about your location. He's coming as well; do you think that he would miss the opportunity of seeing you play at the nationals? He reserved a room to stay in together with Tendou for the whole period of five days.

A lot of students from Shiratorizawa are coming as well, together with the cheering squad. Since the boys are 'benched' this year, the school is focusing all their attention on the girls' team. You wonder what they would've done if both teams were going, since you're also using their bus.

After more than five hours, you finally reach Tokyo and the hotel that you are going to stay at. A tall, fancy looking building stands imposing in front of you. Well, that's expected from Shiratorizawa. It's a private school after all.

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