→chapter 9.

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TW for violence, mentions of death, and bullying!! Also, this chapter is quite long. But I have a surprise at the end. Enjoy!

You don't say anything as you enter your classroom, just go straight to your seat. But you can tell that people have noticed your presence as they watch you for a few seconds before they return to their conversations. This day already sucks. You rest your head on your desk, waiting for the first class to begin.

"Umm, excuse me, (N-Name)-san?" You hear a girl's voice from your left so you raise your head to find out who she is.

Ah. She.

"Yes?" You're trying to sound as calm as possible, not to give away the fact that you don't like her at all.

"I just... wanted to ask if my notebooks helped you with your studying while you were at home," she's avoiding your gaze, rubbing her arm nervously. It makes you sick to your stomach.

"Yes, thank you so much, Ito-san," she smiles at you brightly and you hope that this is the end of the conversation, but suddenly she bows down. You flinch, caught off guard by her dramatic gesture.

"I...I wanted to apologize! You probably think that I'm doing all of these because I have ulterior motives, but that's not true! I respect your marriage and I don't want to be labeled as a homewrecker!" Now everyone is staring at you two. You shake your hands, trying to get out of the embarrassing situation.

"No, no, it's okay, I wasn't thinking about any of these things!"

Short black hair with bangs, brown eyes, round glasses and an oval face, a good-looking body and porcelain skin. Ito has the overall appearance of a cute girl so she has guys constantly asking her out, but from what you've heard, she rejected most of them. When you think about how much she talks about Ushijima, it's not that hard to figure out why.

Her act seems like something she did for herself, to put herself in a better light in front of you and the others.

"R-Really?" But when she looks up at you, you can't tell by the look in her eyes if she's faking it or not.

"What's going on here?" You didn't even notice another of your classmate placing her bag on her desk.

"O-Oh, Sato-chan!" Ito's face lights up when she sees the tall, built, handballer woman. "I was apologizing to (Name)-san for giving her the wrong impression about my intentions"

"Ah, cool—Oh, shit, wait, (Name), you're back!"

Sato and you aren't close, but you're not strangers either. She's a pleasant person to be around; her only flaw would be how loud she tends to get.

You laugh awkwardly, until she gets closer, as to inspect you.

"Are you okay?! Shouldn't you still be recovering at home?!"

"I'm okay, hahaha, the stab wound wasn't so deep after all. I'm just left with an ugly scar on my abdomen"

"That's all?" Sato asks, confused. "Well, I'm sure that Ushijima-san will love you regardless of that scar," her comment makes your heart flutter, remembering what happened in the bathroom. Your face turns red as you smile shyly.

"What happened to that woman? Ow—" You see Ito elbowing her. "Oh, yeah, congrats on your marriage by the way!"

"Thank you! Uhh... she's currently in prison. I don't really know that many details"

"That's good. She deserves to rot in there. I can't really understand why she went this far. I lost countless games in my life, but I never thought about stabbing someone. She's really messed up in the head"

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