→chapter 1.

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Shiratorizawa's boys' team was training alone since the teachers had an important meeting to attend. Nothing is really different, Ushijima is as serious as ever, even though the rest are trying to relax and take it easier.

"Is the demon coach here?" You ask, sticking your head inside the gym, looking around to spot the old man.

"That's a rude thing to say, (Name)," Ushijima tells you, and you roll your eyes at him, fully stepping inside. They see you as their savior since you and their captain start talking at the back of the court and that means that they get a longer break.

"She's coming here more often than before," Reon says after taking a sip from his water bottle.

"She's the only girl I've seen Wakatoshi talk to for more than three seconds," Yamagata adds. "I wonder what's with him"

"Her name got changed recently, right? Maybe they are related," Semi comments, but Tendou giggles behind him. "Okay, spit it out. What do you know?"

"Me?" The middle-blocker puts his hand on his chest, leaning back. "I know nothing, hehehe!" He says in a sing-sang tone and the 3rd-year setter almost punches him, if it weren't for your voice, completely covering the others.

"Your receives still suck, you know that?" The whole team stares at you with wide eyes and open mouths. The only one that would ever say something like this to the ace would be their coach, and only him. 

"They don't," the captain frowns and protests, but you punch him in the stomach. He bends down, and then looks up at you with a glare that could kill you. Everyone feels the tension.

"They do, you idiot. You're letting your libero and your vice-captain do all the work while you just sit there and wait for the setter to use you. You need to be a better all-round player if you want to go pro! Not just hit the ball at full force, you're not a caveman!" At this statement, Tendou bursts out laughing. 

"I see that you're as harsh as always with your insults, (Name)-chan"

"He deserves it. Look at him, he's useless otherwise," the olive-haired boy keeps glaring at you, but you don't seem scared of him. You actually have a large grin on your face. 

"Ushijima-san!" A girl yells from the door and both of you turn your heads to look at her. "Ah, I'm sorry, I mean, (Name)-san!"

"Yes, what's wrong?" You hate to be called 'Ushijima'. 

"Minako-san and Yumena-san are fighting again! We tried to calm them down, but they completely ignored us, and Nari-san didn't want to intervene between them," the first-year girl from your team gives you the report. You sigh loudly and start walking towards the door, knowing that you'll have to stop your setters before they tear each other apart.

"I'm counting on you guys to do some receiving practice with him! Bye!" You start jogging towards the other building, being followed by the two girls that came after you. Ushijima just stares at your departing form, before placing down the water bottle to return back to practice. 

Half an hour later, they take another break, this time going outside to take some fresh air. The rest of the team has scattered around the school grounds, while the third years with Shirabu, Taichi and Goshiki are waiting for them to return. 

"I can't believe (Name) made us run around the fucking school!" A girl yells. "This is only your fault, you know that?"

"Huh?! I wasn't the one that was a salty bitch, you started it!" They pass by the gym, but one of them stops as she sees Ushijima. 

"She's not here, right?" She asks him, but before he can give her an answer, you speak from behind her.

"Nope, I'm over here," the setters don't turn back to look at you, but know that you are mad at them. "You two are terrible. How many times do I have to remind you that you are teammates, huh? You are causing problems for the whole team and are putting me in a delicate situation in front of our advisor," when they don't say anything, you let out an exhale. "Come on, keep going. You have nine more laps"

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