⮕final note.

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My last a/n on this work. It includes my thoughts about this story and my future plans. You don't have to read this, but I would appreciate it a lot if you did.

Woah, this story is finally over. I'm still in shock, 'cause I thought that I would never be able to complete it.

Let's see, it took me a year without 3 days to complete it. There were months when I didn't update at all and I'm fully aware that a lot of people had abandoned reading this story in the meantime. So, I want to thank those of you who stuck with me until the very end. It was a long journey.

College started for me last year and it completely drained me emotionally, mentally and physically. And after that, I switched interests. For the past nine months I've been doing nothing else other than playing Genshin like a maniac.

I still love Haikyuu dearly and Ushijima will always have a special place in my heart. 'Double U' is the last thing that was keeping me attached to this fandom, and now that it's over, I feel sad, but also excited to see where my creative mind takes me.

I will unpublish my story with Semi, as I'm not going to finish it any time soon and there's no point in keeping it posted. I think I have some unfinished one-shots in my other Haikyuu work, the xReader one with all the characters, so I will make changes there as well.

Hmm, what else?

Oh! The side stories!

Okay, so I have some ideas for different side stories for 'Double U', like how their relationship was before they got married, what happened after high-school, how they chose to have a child, and of course smut that never made it to the main story. The smut is not entirely cannon, but oh well.

When will I post these side stories? I legit have no idea. Don't have expectations of it happening too soon.

Now that we got all that mess out of the way, I want to talk about the story itself.

So, this story was supposed to be an Oikawa x Reader one, with the reader being Ushijima's twin sister, but I got sick and tired of the brother/sister plot device. But I still wanted to keep the idea that the reader has the name 'Ushijima' so I went with the arranged marriage.

I spent hours trying to eliminate all the plot holes and I think that there are still a few left, but oh well. There's nothing that I can do about them now.

The core idea of this fanfic was the stabbing scene and Oikawa was holding her, instead of Tendou. But I am an Ushijima simp so of course I chose him over Oikawa.

When I published this work, I was so happy because I worked for days putting the story together. And in the blink of an eye, a year passed by. I'm proud of this work, I'm proud of me for pushing myself to complete another story.

It has been a while since I felt so much adoration for a character so I wanted to express that through my stories.

I think that the ending is a bit rushed, but the main idea of this story was to observe the evolution of their relationship after the wedding, combined with their life as students in their last year of high-school. The story could go on forever, but I've never been a fan of writing over 40 chapters for a single story.

I don't know what else to say. I feel like I'm leaving a lot of things unspoken, but I just can't find the words to express them.

So, if you've read this far, thank you for your support. Thank you for the votes, comments, shares, listings. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Before I end this, for those of you that are interested in my upcoming Genshin story, at the moment it's still a draft and it will take me quite a while to publish it, as I have to go through pages and pages of lore. I will announce it on my wall when it's posted.

Good-bye! See you soon!


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