→chapter 10.

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THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT. While I can't stop those of you who are under 18 from reading this, I'm asking you to do so at your own discretion. Please don't leave any inappropriate comments if you are a minor (or any comments at all. Don't make your presence known here, it makes me uncomfortable. I will block you).

Also: erotic humiliation and breeding kink

After this incident, things returned to normal. Your hand wasn't broken after all, just bruised and so you had to put ice over it and weren't able to attend practice for some time. Of course, that Washijou yelled at you, even though you invented a credible excuse, having the team backing you up.

Well, things are back to the way they were for you, but your husband has something else to deal with: people talking about you. He's used to other students badmouthing you with every chance that they get, but he wasn't expecting to hear them fangirling over you.

He hears it everywhere he goes and he's growing tired —and jealous— of it. In his opinion, the comments from the guys are the worst. The way they talk about you, like you're an object of their fantasies, makes his stomach turn upside down and the rage keeps growing within him. And today is no exception.

Ushijima is heading towards his classroom during the break, but he has the misfortune of hearing two good pals in the stairwell talking about you... and someone else.

"Do you think that Haru has a chance with (Name)-san?" One of them says.

"Honestly, he might have one. I mean, we all heard that their marriage was arranged so that means that they don't love each other at all. Ushijima-san's main focus has always been his volleyball career so he probably doesn't care about her that much. Plus, that dude is dumb as hell," his friend adds. Ushijima frowns harshly at his words.

"Really?! He doesn't seem like that at all"

"Trust me, he's not smart. (Name)-san would be better off with someone like Haru. He comes from a rich family and has a spot assured in his father's company. While that guy, what can he do? Jump around and hit some balls? Laaaame!"

"Woah! You really hate him!"

"I don't hate him. I simply dislike him. I don't understand why people are glorifying him so much"

"Are you sure that this has nothing to do with Yuu-chan rejecting you because she had a crush on him?"

"Shut the fuck up, man," a slapping sound echoes around, followed by a notification tone. After some rustling, the same guy says: "Haru texted me. He has to do a project with (Name)-san later today and apparently they're meeting in her room after classes"

"Now we just wait for the text that he got laid. He will probably get in her pants so easily. That charming bastard!"

"Did you just call him 'charming'? Are you fucking gay or something?" is the last thing Ushijima hears as they go down the stairs to head to their own classroom since the break is almost over.

Others' opinions never affected Ushijima, but somehow, this incident makes his chest hurt. Is this how people see your relationship? ...Did he ever appear uncaring towards you?...

Ushijima brings his hand towards his face and massages his temples. To hell with this, he's not going to bother with what two strangers think about you, he knows better than anyone how much you love each other. He has a passing thought that maybe you also think that he cares more about his volleyball career, but that quickly goes away.

He trusts you, more than anyone else in this world. You confided in him, told him about your past... there's no way that what you said you felt towards him has always been a lie.

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