→chapter 5.

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You don't even remember how all of this started. Everything clicked together years later, when you met him and your life changed forever. In a good or bad way, we shall see...

After your grandpa had passed away, your mother decided to bring your grandma to live with you. Even though your father complained and said that there was a reason as to why you had cut almost all connections, she didn't listen to him.

"None of these would have happened if you had married Utsui Takashi," your grandma would say every time at the dinner table when your mother complained about something at work.

"Don't start again, mother, please"

"It's because you broke your promise with your grandfather! You brought shame and misfortune on our family!"


And she wasn't treating you better either. She looked at you with disgust and hate since you represented the living proof that her daughter had defied her. Not once she showed interest in you.

In just a few months, your kind and loving mother became short-tempered and cold; even the littlest thing would set her off. Your perfect family was falling apart and you were too young to do something about it. Your father was the only one that seemed to remain sane and proposed moving his mother-in-law to a retirement home, but, again, your mother didn't listen to him.

Instead, she sought help from her longtime friend and 'ex-fiancé', thinking that the only way of solving the problem was to have you make up for her past mistake. She wasn't thinking straight and your father didn't try to reason with her anymore.

"(Name), this is Wakatoshi-kun. One day you are going to be his bride so try to get along with him, okay?"

The boy from behind his father's leg was staring at you with big olive eyes while holding onto a volleyball ball with his small hands. You were taller than him and that was intimidating him.

It seemed like the only one that was satisfied with this situation was your grandma, as she stopped daily pestering her daughter. Utsui Takashi tried to talk things out with your mother, but without success.

At first, you hated Ushijima. He was a shy child, since he had no siblings. Every time you would fight over something, he would end up crying so you would have to calm him down. Just thinking that this huge crybaby would be your husband one day made you hate him even more. But you still continued to play volleyball with him and his dad, or just with him when the man was busy.

In middle-school you joined the track team just so you can be away from home as much as possible, practicing more than necessary. You always wore a harsh frown, pushing people away. You just wanted the ground to swallow you up so you could disappear and not marry that boy. But then Nari came into your life and things started to be a bit better.

Ushijima's parents divorced soon after, but it didn't seem to affect him at all. But as you two were outside, resting on the porch after playing some volleyball, you noticed how tight he was gripping the ball and so you got up and hugged him. No matter how much you disliked him—yes, you went from hate to dislike—you couldn't ignore how he was feeling. You knew that Ushijima loved his father more than anything.

"I'm here for you," you didn't know what made you say that to him. He didn't push you away either, nor cried, but instead wrapped his arms around you to have you closer.

Ushijima obviously went to Shiratorizawa, one of Miyagi's best schools when it came to volleyball and soon became a star. You on the other hand, had to spend hours extra training and only by the end of your 3rd year you started to gain some attention.

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