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There is no way in hell that you are missing this match. And yet, here you are, hurrying to get inside the Kamei Arena. You got off of work later than usual since you had more work to do with your last patient.

Ah, it's been so long since you've last been here, but it feels like it happened just yesterday: winning against Niiyama and securing your ticket to the nationals, kissing Ushijima in front of almost all the students from Shiratorizawa. Good times.

As you pass through the hall, trying to find the right entrance, you feel a shiver down your spine. You turn around, but there is nobody behind you, just a shadow of the past.

"We're going to find Wakatoshi soon, okay, (Name)? So, please, stay with me," Tendou's voice was shaking. Behind him, Nari looked down at you with a worried expression.

That happened here too, on the same day, minutes apart. The scar on your body has faded more and more with the passing of years, you even went to therapy. And yet, you still wake up in the middle of the night from time to time because of that nightmare. No matter how tired Ushijima is, he always comforts you back to sleep, telling you that he's here and that nothing can hurt you anymore.

After reaching the stands, you start looking for Semi and Reon since your seat is next to them.

"Coach Washijou! Hi, sir!" Semi says after he notices the old man coming towards them. They both get up and go to talk to him.

"Just the two of you today?" He asks.

"Yeah, Shirabu has classes today and Kawanishi is at work"

"But shouldn't (Name) be here too? I doubt that she—" Terano says from behind her husband before you cut her off.

"I'm here, I'm here!" You're trying to catch your breath as you had to pass through waves of people to reach your friends. "Sorry I'm late, my last patient kept me longer. Did I miss anything important?"

"Just the starting lineup. It should start soon though," Reon answers.

"Then let's each go back to our seats and talk about after the match," the Washijou spouses take their leave, waving at you as they depart.

"Do you want me to carry that for you?" Semi asks, noticing the big bag that you have with you.

"Nope, I'm good," you remove your jacket as you reach your seat and then sit down.

"Are you sure?"

"Eita, I'm pregnant, not disabled. My hands work perfectly fine. Jeez, you act just like Toshi," Semi blushes, embarrassed, and Reon just laughs.

"How's he handling all of this?" You roll your eyes and sigh loudly.

"At first, it was cute, you know? Always looking after me, but then he became suffocating. He wasn't letting me do anything alone, afraid of something happening to me or the baby, like cooking, climbing up the stairs, even taking a bath! We had a talk and I told him to take it easier and that it's more likely for me to miscarry because of a genetic abnormality than by falling down the stairs. He has moments and moments when he still acts like that, but I do tend to be a bit clumsy so I get him," they both laugh at your rant. It's hard for them to imagine their stoic friend being so caring about someone else.

"And how's the baby doing?" The singer asks.

"They're fine. I went to my monthly check-up two days ago and it seems like everything is good. The doctor asked us if we wanted to know the gender of the baby, but Toshi refused before I even got the chance to say anything. But I do feel like it's going to be a boy"

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