→chapter 2.

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Even though you come to see him at practice from time to time, there is no other type of interaction between you and Ushijima. The team never saw you two kissing, not even holding hands. You are in a different class than him, but he never comes to ask you to eat lunch with him or simply to hang out around the campus. They soon come to realize that maybe it is because your relationship isn't a normal one. Your marriage was forced, and probably neither of you wanted it.

'But why now?' It is the question that's on everyone's mind.

"I wonder what type of people her parents are for forcing their daughter to marry at such a young age," Yamagata says one time during their break.

"Her parents passed away three years ago," Tendou informs him, "and then her grandma, who was actually the one who arranged the marriage if I'm not wrong, also died last year"

The team is speechless. They turn to look at you, talking to Ushijima and laughing while the captain frowns at you.

"I was sure that they would cancel the wedding, but as you can see, that didn't happen. Things are still pretty awkward between them, but they're trying their best to make it work. So, you don't have to worry about our captain. Wakatoshi-kun is in good hands"

Right after Tendou finishes talking, you hit Ushijima in the back with your knee, yelling something at him about his blocking.


No matter how much you want to see his match against Karasuno, you are busy with your own at the moment. They made a mistake in the schedule and so, the finals for the girls' category are going to be held the next day, but instead you have two matches today.

Luckily for you, the first one ends faster than expected so you rush to watch the rest of the fifth set. Usually, Shiratorizawa would have won after 3 or 4 sets, but this time it isn't Aoba Johsai that they are playing against, but a team you've never heard about. They must be strong, if they managed to steal two sets from Shiratorizawa. But nothing could beat your school's team, they are the strongest in the whole prefecture for a reason.

Karasuno's number 10 spikes the ball and Yamagata isn't able to receive it properly, bouncing off limits, even though Reon tries to get it. The match ends in Karasuno's victory.

After bowing down and thanking the crowd for their support, Ushijima rises up and his eyes lock with yours. You're not crying, neither is he, but you can tell what he is thinking about. Those large and calm olive orbs hold so many hidden emotions. Even though you want to smile at him, to reassure him that everything is okay, you can't.

They walk back to their coaches and you can tell that some of them start crying. It is a rare sight to see, Shiratorizawa's team being defeated. Your teammates call for you, announcing that your next match is going to start soon.

If you don't win against this team and make it to the finals, everything will be done for. Will you collapse under all this pressure?


As you reach the boys' gym, coach Washijo and coach Saito step outside to let the boys finish cleaning up after they're done with the 100 serves. You put your own volleyball shoes on and get inside.

"Woah, this is one hell of a punishment for losing," they all turn to look at you.

"It was either this or running back from the gymnasium to the school. I guess that we got lucky today," Reon tells you.

"You call this lucky?! What are you guys, masochists?!"

"Hahaha, yeah, maybe we are," says Yamagata. Tendou pushes Ushijima so now the tall spiker is in front of you. All of them are staring at you two.

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