→chapter 11.

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Your period is late. And normally, you would find good reasons as to why this is happening, but there's a new factor that's disturbing your rational thinking: the beginning of your sexual life with a man, with your husband specifically.

You know you are stressed, as the nationals are inching closer and closer with each passing day, but what if you're actually pregnant?

You have all the symptoms leading up to the arrival of your period, but what if those are actually signs that you are carrying a baby?

Carrying Ushijima's child... while the idea itself sounds very interesting, neither of you has even graduated high-school, let alone have a stable job.

Did one of the condoms break? You didn't check them. Or did Ushijima finish too close to your entrance? You know you sound stupid and that the overthinking might be what's causing your period to be late, but you can't control yourself.

"I don't understand why you are worrying so much," Nari says while you two are cleaning the gym after practice. "Ushijima's mother seems like a good mother from what you told me so I'm sure she'll be happy to raise your kid so you two can go to college. Plus, you will give birth after high-school and you're already married so no shame on your family. See, the situation is not that bad"

"Nari, you are definitely not helping me!" She rolls her eyes at you.

"You're just overthinking. I know that the nationals are stressing you out, but you need to chill, (Name). You'll end up autodestructing yourself. What did Ushijima say about this?"

"I didn't tell him yet"

"Oh my God," she facepalms herself.

You don't want to tell him unless you are 100% sure that you are pregnant, but you're also too scared to go out and buy a pregnancy test.

Being alone with your thoughts, especially at night, does more damage. You barely sleep or touch your food. The only thing that's on your mind it's the fact that you'll be a young mom and that this child will ruin everything you and Ushijima have built so far.

Nari leaves on the weekend to visit her family, even though she doesn't want to leave you alone. But you insist that you're fine. You haven't had time to see Ushijima, as all your free time is spent either at practice or studying to keep up with the advanced class.

After you return from the bathroom, you notice that Nari had left her mirror on her desk. It takes a second before you end up lifting your top to check your stomach. It looks the same as always, but as you're staring at it from different angles, it starts to change in your eyes.

"What are you doing?" Ushijima's voice pierces through your dark thoughts. You didn't hear him coming in.

"Oh! Hi! What are you doing here?" You stutter and quickly cover yourself, slamming down the mirror.

"Nari told me to check up on you," he's staring at you up and down and his expression is hard to read.

"Oh, I'm fine, no need to worry about me," but he doesn't buy that. He can easily read you like an open book. Nothing escapes his icy-cold gaze.

"Sit down. We need to talk," your heart begins beating like crazy and you swallow dryly, doing as he commands.

You're staring at your hands, not bearing to look him in the eyes. He looks mad for some reason and you don't know what to say not to anger him more.

He places his large hand over yours and gently rubs it with his thumb. He's wearing his ring.

"You're worrying me. I know that the nationals can stress you out, but—"

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