Teachers (logicality)

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Note: as far as I know, this school doesn't exist. I made it up. For context, I'm gonna explain how the school runs. Each day has 9 class periods. Each student has one class period that is some sort of athletics (regular pe, football, soccer, cheerleading etc.), two class periods that are some sort of fine art and/or something that would normally be considered an extracurricular (theater, band, foreign language, debate team etc.), one class period that is when they eat lunch (this is always period 4, 5, or 6) and the rest are just normal classes. Each teacher has one class period for lunch, and also at some point throughout the day, a random free period that they don't have a class. This doesn't make a lot of sense lol, so there's a picture of some teacher schedules and a student schedule at the top. Also, each of the classrooms automatically lock 10 minutes into the class period, so if you need to get into a classroom after that you have to knock.


Benjamin Dover High School was an average school in Gainesville, Florida. It had about 500 students. Their mascot was the badgers. They had a football team, a basketball team, a tennis team, a volleyball team, a chess team, a debate club, a cheer squad, basically every extracurricular or sport you can think of, they had. And of course, it wouldn't be high school without gossip.

This particular year, the biggest piece of gossip was the rumor that the cheer coach was dating one of the math teachers. It made perfect sense. They would occasionally pop into each other's classrooms whenever one had a free class period, the students had noticed that they always seemed to have lunch together, they just seemed to click.

"No, I'm not joking" a girl spoke. Her name was Samantha Adams, and she was a student at BDHS.

"You actually saw them on a date?" Samantha's best friend, Jillian Smith, asked

"I think. I was going home from Jacob's house, and I was on the public bus, and I saw Mr. Roberts with his arm around Coach Robertson on the bus. Coach was even asleep on his shoulder" Samantha told Jillian. The bell rung.

"Crap, we're late!" The pair exclaimed in sync, sprinting to their math class.

"-vide to find the- ahh, Samantha, Jillian, how lovely of you to join us" the teacher, Mr. Roberts, said, noticing the girls walk in late. They apologized to the tie-clad man.

"It's fine because it's the first time for both of you, but make sure it doesn't happen again" he told them as they found their seats.

"As I was saying, you divide to find the-" he tried to continue teaching, but there was a knock at the door of the classroom.

Matthew Grand, the student seated closest to the door, looked out the little window on the door and recognized that it was another teacher, so he opened the door.

The school's cheer coach stepped into the room.

"Hello, Patton. What can I do for you?" the math teacher asked

"Hey Logan! I was going through some paperwork and I noticed that one of your students had accidentally turned one of their assignments for your class in to me, so I wanted to give it to you" the cheer coach explained. Mr. Roberts walked towards the back of the room, where the coach was standing, and took the paper.

"Why didn't you just give it to me later?" He whispered

"Maybe I wanted an excuse to see you during work" the other whispered back, getting a soft chuckle in response.

After Patton left, Logan walked back to the whiteboard at the front of the room.

"Now, as I was saying, then you would divide to find the fraction we're going to use in the next step. Does anyone have any questions so far?" He asked. A few hands went up. "Payton, What's your question?"

"Are you and Coach Robertson dating?" Payton Jennings, one of his students, asked, causing the usually stoic teacher to burst out laughing. The students looked at each other in confusion. None of them could understand what was so funny about the idea.

"Why is that funny?" Jillian asked

"I also thought y'all were dating" Samantha spoke

"Ok, hold on a second, can everyone who thought I am currently dating Coach Robertson please raise their hand?" Logan asked. Every student in the classroom raised their hand. Logan pulled out his phone and texted Patton. 'Could you come back to my classroom when you have a moment?'

Before too long, Patton was back at the door, being let in again by Matthew.

"Come up here" Logan said, still laughing. Patton walked up to the front of the room so he was standing next to Logan. "Would anyone care to tell Coach Robertson what we just talked about?". Payton slowly raised her hand."Go ahead Payton"

"He asked if we had any questions and I asked if you two dating" she explained, causing Patton to start laughing as well. The students were all still super confused about what was so funny.

Logan turned on a camera he had the was connected to the projector, and put his and Patton's hands in the frame so they were projected onto the wall.

"Look at our hands and see if you notice anything" Logan said. The room was silent for a moment before someone at the back of the room went "ohhhhhhhhhh"

"Matthew; would you like to share your observations with the class?" Logan asked

"You're wearing matching rings!" He exclaimed

"Yes we are. And what might that say about us?" Logan asked

"You're married?" Matthew guessed

"Bingo!" Patton confirmed

"Yeah, we've been married for about 15 years" Logan told the class, and then it dawned on them why the idea of the pair simply having gone on a few dates together sounded so funny to them.

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