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Author Note:

THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR 2.02K READS!! (Now 2.03k!!! Squeee! !) It means soooo much, i am so grateful! !
Love you all!!

Now, back to the story....

The Village Church, Downton

Elsie Hughes walked down the aisle. Her dress was white silk and linen and shimmered as she walked. The hem of the dress brushed the ground and she wore a very traditional veil, her mother's infact. She only wished that her mother was able to see her finally able to wear it. The conjugation were standing, music played softly in the background. Butterflies danced in her stomach.

Charlie Carson stood at the alter. Mr Bates stood beside him, as best man. Charlie's heart thumped in his chest, threatening to jump right out. He could wait no longer, and turned to see his beautiful bride. Elsie seemed to glow with perfection and beauty. She took his breath away. He was suddenly conscious that he was the one to marry her, that he wasn't simply a spectator. He was terrified, but in a good way.

Despite Elsie's respect for tradition and how much she wanted a traditional wedding, no one gave her away. She felt that the only person fully qualified to do that was her father. In his absence, no one else was deemed suitable. Anna and Mrs Patmore were bridesmaids, carrying the bouquets and smiling. Some villiage children came up the rear carrying the lengthy train. Elsie almost stopped as she spotted Becky at the front, waving. She smiled and continued down her path until she reached the man of her dreams. Now the main event could truly begin.


The Dowager House

Spratt and Denker weren't invited. No one was bothered, and frankly Spratt wasn't half as repected as a Mr Carson was. In fact, most people quite disliked Mr Spratt. And so the pair found themselves alone once more, and would be for the rest of the day. They didn't pull out the whiskey again, once was quite enough to get hopelessly drunk in broad daylight.

They didn't speak of the kiss, hadn't even acknowledged that it happened since that fateful moment, but things were not awkward between them. They got on well now, less bickering, and any teasing by Gladys wasn't taken seriously. Violet was happy with them, but of course had no idea what had happened. All was well.


The Village, Downton

Elsie Carson and her husband stepped out of the church. The crowd cheered, petals were scattered and smiles decorated everyone's faces. The bouquet was thrown and caught by none other than Miss Baxter. Joseph gave her a knowing glance and they smiled together. The Bates's were grinning and the Goswami's were laughing and Edith was hand in hand with her new beau.

Mary was scowling, Tom busy hugging the newlyweds, Cora avoiding her mother by congratulating Elsie, Robert shaking Charlie's hand - his new dog Romeo, by his side- , Isobel and Dr Clarkson were standing together amongst the crowd, Violet was smiling approvingly, and Martha Levinson was watching David Thompson and Edith.

The children played on the pathway, awaiting the call of Nanny Baxter. Elsie looked past the group who had gathered around her and Charlie. Then she spotted her. Becky and the people who cared for her, were waiting at the end of the que of well wishers. Elsie took Charlie by the arm and swiftly pulled him away.

She pulled her sister into a hug. "Elsie!", Becky giggled. She was innocent and child like, but Elsie loved her. "This is Charlie" Elsie said, introducing her only family to her new husband. "Hello." Came Becky's reply. "Hello Becky." Charlie said. "He has a very deep voice" said Becky, "like a giant." She laughed, so did Charlie to Elsie's relief.

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