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Cora's bedroom, Downton Abbey

She lay, her eyes closed, facing towards the ceiling. Robert was in the library still, alone most likely and drinking definitely. A pang of guilt did sting her heart when she thought of him, and she did love him. He was the father of her children, of course she loved him, to an extent. Simon was different. He loved her for different reasons than Robert did she loved him in a burning, heart wrenching, wanting way.

Her hand rested on the slight bump, in which the child grew. No one had even noticed, but it wouldn't be long before they did. Not long at all. She heard the door open and preteded to be sleeping. Then, he kissed her. Her eyes fluttered open. "Simon!" She squealed. He smiled over her, puting a finger to her lips. "Quite, my love." He whispered, stroking her cheek gently.

"You can't be here! Robert could walk in at any moment! " Cora protested, taking his hand in hers. "I love you", came his reply. She smiled slightly. Simon leaned down to kiss her again, and despite her plans, she let him. He kissed her neck, eyes, forehead, and finally lips, slowly entangling his fingers in her waves of dark coffee bean coloured hair, as he

did so. All else became irrelevant as she faded into him.


Aunt Rosamund's house, London

Edith tottered in the door, still dreaming of David. She was promptly woken by her aunt who scrowled at her. " Where have you been?" She asked, crossing her arms in anger. Edith preteded to yawn, "I must go up".

Rosamund eyed her, getting more suspicious by the second, she didn't want the responsibility of another out of wedlock on her hands.

"Tell me".

"I was at dinner, like I told you."

"And then?"

"We went for a walk, and to the pictures. And then we stopped for tea."

"I thought he was a 'rude, thoughtless, boastful American', whom you detested and only agreed to have dinner with because it seemed unkind to refuse."

"I changed my mind."

"It's not far from midnight! You should have told him to bring you back by ten! You have to get the early train back to Downton tomorrow, how will you cope?"

"I shall go to bed now. If you have finished the interrogation process."Edith snapped and scurried upstairs.

She slept well, and dreamt of a certain blonde American with sparkling green eyes.


Downstairs, Downton Abbey

Thomas relayed the events in his mind. Henry kissed him. Henry kissed him. Thomas kissed him back. They kissed for what felt like forever but was probably not long. "But I pushed him away". After all this time, Thomas finally found another person like him, and he pushed him away.

He still had a good job, under butler, and wasn't in prison. Lady Mary didn't know that he is like he is. Hardly anyone knew. But now he was loosing Henry, possibly forever.

Meanwhile, Mr Moseley was planning. The next half day he had, he was going to buy it, and then, then he would ask. Then, well after that he didn't know what was going to happen.


The Garage, Downton Abbey

Mary crept down the stairs, armed with a cricket bat. This wasn't very ladylike ofcourse, and not her most thought out plan, but it would work, probably. The bat was heavy, and the sweat on her palms almost caused her to loose her grip. She held it fast however and continued to approach the offending item.

It hadn't done anything directly, other than ruffling her hairstyle, but it was the owner who would be most affected, and thus her revenge would be sweet. After another moment of thought, Lady Mary closed her eyes and swung the bat as hard as she could.

There was a loud crash, as the bat collided with the windscreen of Mr Talbot's fancy car, shattering it into miniscule pieces.

Heeeheee! I really wanted Mary to do that. It was inspired by the video for Taylor Swift's Blank Space. Thank you for reading, please vote and comment your thoughts...

Oh yeah,

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grins of psycoticness,

{SaskatFishcakes } xxx

Lady Grantham ~ Elizabeth McGovern
Mr Bricker ~ Richard E Grant
Lord Grantham ~ Hugh Bonneville
Charlie Carson ~ Jim Carter
Elsie Hughes ~ Phyllis Logan
Thomas Barrow ~ Rob James-Collier
Miss Baxter ~ Raquel Cassidy
Mr Moseley ~ Kevin Doyle
Mr Bates ~ Brendan Coyle
Anna Bates ~ Joanne Froggatt
Lady Mary ~ Michelle Dockery
Denker ~ Sue Johnston
Spratt ~ Jeremy Swift
Lady Edith ~ Laura Carmichael
Henry Talbot ~ Matthew Goode
Daisy Mason ~ Sophie McSherra
Mrs Patmore ~ Leslie Nicol

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