¤Twenty - seven¤

680 19 13

Crawley House, Downton

The dinner was lovely. Richard is so dreadfully kind and thoughtful and sweet that Isobel felt guilty for not having dinner with him sooner. But, as her mother always said, 'better late than never'. As he helped her out of the car and onto her doorstep, she felt a strange longing for him to stay. She wanted to stay with him. Forever. As long as they both shall live. After Reginald, she thought that her days as a wife were over, that she would never love another. But here she was, helplessly in love with another doctor. He smiled kindly at her as she stood on the doorstep.

"Goodnight Dr Clarkson" she said. What she wanted to say was 'I love you'.But she didn't. She was scared as to what he might say, or think of her. She was scared as to what might happen next. What does one do when someone announces their love for one? Do they panic? Do they say it back? Do they marry the person? Do they walk away and never look back? He might. What if he did? Then how could she cope. She loved him. So, no. She cannot tell him. It would ruin everything. Suddenly his charming scottish lilt brought her back to earth. "Goodnight Mrs Crawley."

They stood quite close. Despite saying goodbye to each other, they didn't seem to want to go anywhere. Isobel stayed on her doorstep, transfixed by his gaze. Richard remained in front of her, staring deeply at her beautiful face and into her shining wonder filled eyes.

She didn't know how it happened, but it did. She was lost in his eyes, when they must have gently leaned towards each other. Next thing she knew, they were kissing. And, she was happy.


The next day...

Upstairs, Downton Abbey

Edith quite liked Tom's cousin. She was nice and kind and friendly. Áine was quite similar to Edith actually. They both enjoyed doing things that weren't really expected of them. While Edith wrote for a paper and read novels, Áine designed clothes and drew pictures. Yes, Edith liked the girl, and set about trying to befriend her.

They were in the library. Mama wasn't due home until the following day, Martha was in Ripon for some reason or another, Mary was busy hiding in her bedroom, Tom and Papa were seeing to the estate affairs and Maura was making it known to the local Catholic Community that she was going to get involved in everything. So, Edith had asked Áine to have some tea with her. She could tell that Áine was reluctant, so then said "or some lemonade?" To which Áine nodded and smiled suddenly a lot more eager.

They now sat opposite each other in silence as Áine sipped her drink. Edith bit her lip. Making friends with this young girl was going to be a bit more difficult than she had thought, especially if she couldn't even start a conversation with her. Edith took a deep breath. "So, how do you like it here?" Áine smiled. "Very well. This is a wonderful house and you have all welcomed Maura and I so well. The gardens are especially wonderful." Edith smiled in return, glad that Áine was enjoying herself.

"Do you spend much time in the gardens?"

"Yes.. I, I like flowers.. sometimes, I draw them.."

"You draw? Oh how jolly! Mary sketches sometimes, but I can't draw a straight line with a ruler! Where do you draw?"

"Amm.." Áine felt a little uncomfortable now, she wasn't very sure about telling Edith about her drawing, however nice she was. And now, well she couldn't very well tell her that she's been doodling in a hidden garden with a footman, could she? Or could she? If anyone would support her, it would be Edith. But was it silly to tell someone she barely knows that she thinks she might be in love with someone else she barely knows? She suddenly realised that Edith was still waiting for an answer.

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