¤Twenty - six¤

691 18 11

Well now..
Lolification if there ever was one..

And shout out to my new beta reader randomfanficdownton who shall be assisting me as of this chapter...
Stalk her fics (they are amazing)

Anyway. ....

Selfridge's Department Store, London

Cora and Rosamund seemed to have transformed into excitable teenage girls, the moment that they set foot in the building. They, like so many others, had fallen under the mystical spell of Selfridge's Department Store. They giggled and smiled in awe and in wonder at the enormous and fantastical store, filled with a shopper's dreams. The aromas of perfume wafted pleasantly around them, as the two Ladies made their way through the bustling crowd.

"Goodness! It has been too long since I've been here!" Rosamund exclaimed gleefully, picking up a bottle of scent and spraying it on her wrist. "Since you've been here! You're the one who lives in London, I'm the one who has to beg Robert to let me use some of my money to buy new clothes! I haven't been shopping at all in ages!" Cora replied rolling her eyes. Rosamund wasn't really listening, she was much too interested in the different perfumes. "Mmm, yes, of course.. Cora, which one do you like best? This one-" she held out her left wrist, which Cora sniffed while nodding approvingly; "or this one?" Rosamund asked, holding out her right wrist, eager for a second opinion.

Cora looked deep in thought, as she debated quite seriously. "I like the second one but the first is more you. It just screams 'Rosamund'. Go with the first one, I think." Rosamund nodded with a grin. Shopping with Cora certainly had some advantages, she didn't know of anyone else who would ever say that a perfume 'just screams 'Rosamund''! Sometimes Cora still sounded like the silly young American her even sillier little brother married all those years ago, well, that's how Rosamund had once felt about their marriage. Now, she was happy for them, and the baby on the way.

"Thank you. I can always count on you to decipher whatever the perfume is yelling."

"My pleasure. I have quite the talent, I must admit."

"Now. Your turn."

"My turn?"

"Yes! We need to find you some new clothes, we can't have you walking about in fashions from nearly thirty years ago once you get bigger...."

Cora suddenly realised what Rosamund was talking about. It was quite stupid to imagine that she wouldn't notice, giving how obvious her pregnancy now was - and Rosamund's sharp eyes. Cora's grin faded. " ...The child would be embarrassed by an unfashionable mother, nevermind Mary and Edith. You don't want to be seen wearing something that resembles Mama's clothes, do you?..." Rosamund continued, oblivious to her companion's discomfort and the fact that Cora was no longer listening. Did she suspect anything? Cora silently queried. No, probably not, Rosamund had no reason to.

Rosamund continued to speak, an endless chain of words, which went entirely unregistered by Cora. It wasn't until her shopping partner walked away that she realised that Rosamund had actually still been speaking. She scurried after her, struggling to catch up with Rosamund's quick steps, as she followed the firey Marcel Waves of her sister in law, all the way to the maternity wear section of the shop. Cora then stood helplessly as Rosamund leafed through the dresses, choosing numerous ones for her to try (without consulting her of course). Cora didn't really mind, she liked shopping with Rosamund, it was like the old days when they were two young newly married women, shopping to their heart's content.

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