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London, Mr Bricker's Appartment

Cora gingerly pushed open the door to Simon's office. He was looking through a magnifier at an old scroll, when she came in. He caught sight of her and stood up. "You have arrived! Welcome to my humble abode! Please, take a seat" he grinned. Cora sat down, as he bustled about her in an attempt to tidy the room slightly. "It's fine." She said. "Sit".

He smiled awkwardly at her. "Oh, you don't know how happy I am to see you again Cora! I truely have missed you." Cora twisted the ring on her finger. "And I you Simon". Simon seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. "Oh, wonderful! I was afraid that things were,... uncomfortable between us. You know after..." She chewed her lip. "It's not that, I-"

Simon interupted her. "I know kissing you and everything wasn't proper- you being a married woman- but I couldn't help myself! You mean the world to me Cora and, and well..... I think I'm in love with you." There was a pause. "Simon I-" but again, he interupted her. "I don't expect you to say it back, I don't expect you to say anything. I just want you to know that that is how I feel about you."


"Cora, I-"

"Simon I'm pregnant." She interupted. There was silence. "What?" He whispered, barely able to get the words out. "You are going to be a father".


The Garage at Downton

Thomas walked in, cigarette between his fingers. Suddenly his heart felt as though it was going to burst from his chest. Henry Talbot kissed Lady Mary on the cheek and smiled. "Goodbye Mary!" He called. "Goodbye Henry, safe journey. Don't drive so fast!" She grinned at him. Then she left and went upstairs. Henry turned and spotted Thomas.

"Why hello! What's your name? Aren't you the fellow from dinner?" Henry asked. "Am, yes. I am Mr Thomas Barrow. I am the under butler at Downton." Henry smiled. "I am Henry Talbot." He said shaking Thomas's hand. This was strange. Why was this man being so friendly? None of Mary's suitors ever spoke to the servants, and certainly never bothered to ask what their names were.

"That's a nice car you've got there, Mr Talbot. I hope you're a better driver than Lady Mary's husband was." Thomas chuckeled. He was nervous. He always made a comment like that when he was nervous. It directed the attention away from him and towards the secret of another. "Why do you say that, Mr Barrow?"

Thomas placed the cigarette in his mouth and lit a match. He lit the cigarette slowly, making Henry wsit for an answer. It always made Thomas feel good when someone hung on his words. It made him feel special. It made him feel like his father, a real man. "Oh, she hasn't told you then? Well, it's not my place to tell you Mr Talbot. Lady Mary can tell you at her own discression".

Henry frowned. "Tell me what? Don't keep me in the dark Mr Barrow. Why won't you tell me?" A devilish grin spread across Thomas's features. "As I said, Mr Talbot- it's not my place. Shouldn't you be off? Why it's nigh on noon already. Good day Mr Talbot, I hope to see you again some time".

"But-" Henry began. Thomas was gone. And Henry had unanswered questions.


London, Mr Bricker's Study

Cora waited. Simon had been pacing up and down the room for the last three minutes. This to Cora felt like three hours ofcourse. "Oh Simon, do stop pacing. You'll wear a hole in the carpet." She said finally. He stopped and sat down. Exactly seventeen seconds later he stood up again and walked around the room.

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