Chapter 9

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When I woke up, the ship had been landed already. I walked out and almost fell over. The ground was soft and swampy. I didn't recognize the planet. I'd never been here before, but I felt a strong connection to the force here. Maybe that's why Yoda chose to live here in exile.

We were each given special comlinks that were non-discoverable by the Empire. We talked for a while about how life was going to work for the next 5 or so years, and Obi-Wan and I left. I was taken back to Alderaan, and Obi-Wan returned to Tatooine.

Yoda had told me that I was free to do whatever I pleased until Leia reached 5 years old. I was then to tutor her both academically and in the ways of the Jedi without making it obvious to her that I'm teaching her a forbidden subject.

I decided to go visit the academy again on Mandalore, since the schools there were superior, and it would be good for me to see the duchess again. I told Senator Organa and Ventress where I was going and left for Mandalore.

Mandalore was nothing like the way I'd left it. I reached the system, and there were several Death Watch ships blockading the planet. I didn't even know Death Watch had cruisers. I decided to take a detour to the moon of Concordia and figure out another way to get to the surface.

I landed next to an abandoned mine. I walked inside, and was greeted with an eerie silence. I jumped down the life shaft and made it to the bottom floor. I walked into a room. There were several discareded Death Watch rockets and helmets in the room. I looked around. There was still no one here.

I heard something move behind me, and I sensed another presence. I turned and ignited my lightsabers. I was met with a blaster pointed at my forehead. The person took off her helmet.

"I remember you. You were the Jedi that came with Bonteri on Carlaac. I'm Bo-Katan, former lieutenant of Death Watch. I never thought I would I would say this to any Jedi, but the rest of us are going to need your help in order to restore Mandalore to what it was when Satine was the duchess before that monster took over."

"Ok," I started. "How can I help?"

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