Chapter 18

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I grabbed Lux's arm and took off towards the lift. The safest place for us right now would be our room in the hotel complex of the ship.

After running through confusion, we finally made it. Exaughsted, Lux layed down on his bed. I sat down on the end of mine. The door was closed, but I could still hear the pirates coming closer. I couldn't let Hondo know I was here. Death Watch would find me. That would really ruin my day.

"How do you know these pirates anyway?" Lux asked.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Um yeah not really. I guess the better question is how do we stop them?"

"As much as it pains me to say it, we can't get involved."

"What?! Why not? These people need our help!"

"There is no way to help anyone without revealing my identity. I'm sorry, but if I'm discovered and caught, I won't ever see anyone again."

"But I can help. I'm not a Jedi. I don't have anything to lose. I can't just stand here. You can sit back if you want, but I refuse to watch as innocent people are taken hostage and possibly killed. I can't believe you would." And with that, he left. He just got up and walked out. I called after him of course, but he had already made up his mind. There was no changing it.

I sighed. I guess the only way for him to make it through this alive is for me to intervine. I got up and walked out.

Pulling the cloak over my head, I ran towards the lift. I knew where Lux was going. It was this wierd phenomenon I had been studying earlier that I could sense the presence of another and almost see the way to them.

I kept running until I saw Hondo. He saw me, and I began to panic. I had been trying to avoid this, but there was no going back.

I let the cloak fall to my feet as I reached for my lightsabers. Lux picked that moment to run in and join the battle. It wasn't until later that I realized that the room was chaos with laser fire going every which way. I was too focused on Hondo and what I was about to do to worry about that.

I jumped out in front of the defenders and took out my sabers. I deflected each blast until Hondo pulled out his electric staff.

"Long time, no see Jedi. Well boys, looks like this run will pay off."

We proceeded to duel right there. Lux kept trying to help me until he was grabbed and knocked out by a guard. Hondo saw this and took it upon himself to withdraw his men. They grabbed the precious cargo and dragged Lux behind them.

I ran after them, but was too slow. By the time I caught up, I saw their ship go into hyperspace, taking Lux along with them.

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