Chapter 3

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When I woke up, I was sitting in a prison cell with that Jedi next to me.

"Ugh what happened?"

"Well, you were all dark, literally, and then you started glowing. Now you're fine I guess."

"That's strange. I know something happened, major, but I can't remember. I remember thr emperor and vader torturing me, but nothing after that. What did I do?"

"I don't know. I was in another area."

"Ok well, remind me, what exactly were you doing?"

"Freeing the rest of the Jedi and taking them back to the temple."

"Barriss, did she go with you?"

"Yes, but-"

We both turned, feeling a disturbance in the force. Vader, again. We both ignighted our lightsabers, and he walked into the cell, followed by the emperor. They did the same, and wd fought.

Let me just say that the emperor was good. Really good. The other Jedi and I took turns fighting the emperor. He could get somewhere with it, and amost got the emperor once. I was nowhere near that level and could only barely defend myself. Vader was much easier because I knew how he fought.

I knew that I was going to end up dead if we kept this up, so I tried to force Vader (pardon the pun) out of the room. It worked. I was able to get him out of the room and trapped Sidious inside. The other jedi came out to help me too. Vader called in some stormtroopers to cover his escape.

We didn't kill any of them. I won't kill a single soldier after that whole ordeal with Barriss....

We ran from the facility to the open air and hopped in a ship.

"Kanan, by the way."


"My nam's Kanan. I was told all about you by Bonteri and he was actually right for once."

I laughed, and we flew back to the temple.

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