Chapter 33 - Drama

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'I hate this class. I fucking hate it. All because of Sophie, it's like my torture. I'm not even over him yet! And I have to sit at this damn desk- and many others that has HIM in the room!'

She turns around, just to catch a glimpse of him. He was laughing hard, tears in his eyes of how hard he's laughing. She turns back around, her grey hoodie making her feel covered and disguised.

Erin feels her phone buzz in her pocket. She grabs her phone and opens the text sent and winces.

Sophie😒: Erin, I need you down the hall ASAP. If you don't show up I'll spread the word all over school

'The "word". Ugh, she's blackmailing me. If it wasn't for that night-' Erin sighs deeply. 'I can't fucking believe this.. all of this. It all fucking sucks!'

Mr. Moore walks into the classroom and stands behind his desk. Erin then notices the other students in the classroom.

A few minutes later, Mr. Moore begins teaching.

The whole classroom was silent apart from Mr. Moore speaking and handing out papers. Erin wasn't paying any attention to that though, the only thing she was focused on was her nausea. She felt sick, about to puke, she had felt this many times before. She had this feeling so much more now, only because of Sophie- and how she just made Erin's heart beat speed up.

"M-Mr. Moore, may I go to the r-restroom, please?" Her voice comes out in an almost whisper. Mr. Moore rolls his eyes, sighing, "Fine."

She doesn't even wait for a hall pass, she just runs out of the classroom. Erin runs to the bathroom and opens a stall. She's in too much of a hurry to close and lock the stall door. She gets on her knees in front of the toilet and pukes.

Once she's finish, she tries catching her breath, but that doesn't really last long - because she basically stops breathing when she feels someone's hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?"

'Wow.. her voice is like an angel.' Erin quickly stands up and turns around, seeing the girl that made her insecure these past months. Clementine.

"I saw you run out of the class.. Is everything okay?" She crosses her arms, her eyes flickering to the puke in the toilet and then Erin.

"Y-yeah.. everything's fine." Erin stutters and crosses her arms. Without asking, Clem puts her hand to Erin's forehead and less than 5 seconds later, pulls it away. "You don't feel sick.. What's up?"

'Oh god, she's onto me now. She might know..'
"U-uhm.. nothing. Everything's fine!" Erin gives her a reassuring smile, but Clementine just narrows her eyes. She could see right through Erin, she knew she was hiding something. "I have a little brother who's turning 6 next week, and he's a really good liar. But- I can tell when he's bluffing, and you are definitely bluffing."

"B-bluffing? Ha- I'm telling the truth!" Erin keeps that same smile, which makes Clem cross her arms, giving Erin the look of 'Just tell me.'

Erin sighs, "I..." 'Fuck, am I really gonna tell her? Am I really gonna tell Louis' girlfriend?' "I'm pregnant.." 'Liar You fucking liar, Erin.'

"Wow, really?"

'Nope, not even close.' "Y-yeah.. I found out a couple months ago." 'OMG, ERIN! You're making it even worse!! Now Clementine actually THINKS you're pregnant! Uuugh!!'

"So.. congratulations?"

"Um.. yeah, thanks." 'FUCK!'


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